All posts by Christine A. Chandler

Christine, A. Chandler, M.A.; C.A.G.S. -licensed as a certified social worker, psychologist and family systems therapist, specialized in the areas of dysfunctional systems and sexual abuse. Chandler also spent nearly thirty years as a practicing Tibetan 'Buddhist'; six of those years taking care of the handicapped son of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, giving her unique access to all the celebrity Tibetan lamas of the Kagyu and Nyingmapa sects, and their western inner circles, as well as the back-stage of their theatre and deceptions, created for the western world. It was not until she managed to extricate herself from these lamas and their guru-worshipping influences, that she realized she had actually been in an authoritarian, thought-controlling religious cult that disguises itself as representing the 'highest teachings of the Buddha'': the 'diamond vehicle' of Vajrayana Tantric Lamaism; but using the same techniques and engaging in the same destructive behaviors found in the most dysfunctional of sexually abusive family systems: those that use religion to justify their abuse.

Lama Sexual Abuse Cover-Up by MSM, DEMS, Hollywood and Dalai Lama


Khyentse Dzongsar the Precious One; the Tibetan Lama who says the 'Vajrayana is above Western Law."
Lama Khentse Dzigar Rinpoche , Enflaming Transgenders in San Francisco ,

Updated: March, 2024

The Tibetan Lamas’ sexual abuse cover-up has been achieved, thanks to the Mainstream Media, DEMS, Republicans, Libertarians, Hollywood and the Dalai Lama.  

Nevertheless, it still is amazing that well-educated Westerners still deny that sexual abuse in Tibetan Tantric Lamaism is not only occurring but is actually INSTITUTIONALIZED.

The exceptions in this abusive system are Lamas, Western or Asian, who are NOT sexually abusing their students.  Rare indeed. And those few are the lower lamas, aspiring to ‘get on the prowl’ train with approval by the overarching hierarchy of ALL the Lamas, as they work in tandem to destroy Judeo-Christianity-based,  western civilization and women’s rights and a separation of Church and State, by stealth.  

 The CCP-Lama experiment of Mao has succeeded. Made the most privileged and educated class in our history, act truly insane and true to the same obtuse lineage of academics in 1933 Berlin, and in 1940’s Vichy, France.   World Fascism, but this time with a cult amalgam religious arm of the most tyrannical, authoritarian, and toxic theocracy to its own people, Tibetan Lamaism, a.k.a. Tantric “Buddhism”, a.k.a. Hindu Tantra on which the ‘higher’ secret teachings are based. 

The Dalai Lama’s ‘incarnation’ Has been Here for 21 years .

While his Karmapa Rape Charges Continue, and  Ogyen Trinley, the 17th Karmapa, designated as the Dalai Lama’s replacement by the Dalai Lama, and embraced by Progressives in our U.S. Congress, on both sides of the aisle, as well as CCP China, already on board. He has his main elaborate headquarters just outside the New York State Capitol, and his main retreat center in Crestone Baca Colorado. But ALL of the Kagyu Lamas, and the millions of his western and   world-wide take vows to obey him in ALL things. Above any other oaths taken in their own countries. 

Karmapa above, honored by the Progressives in our Congress, both sides of the aisle, even though he has been accused of rape in France, Taiwan, and CCP Spying and Money Laundering in India

This French case closed after a settlement for an undisclosed amount.  The Lama Mafia is a billion-dollar, if not trillion-dollar industry by now. The whistleblowers, often financially destitute after years of giving their money, free labor, etc.  take the settlement and the sign the NDA. 

Ogyen Trinley 17th Karmapa on Shrine of CCP- Chinese Han Buddhist monks and nuns

Stven Seagal accusers detail rape, sexual assault allegations against actor

Fox News media photo

Steven Segal,   ‘recognized’ ( for money as usual)  by Penor Rinpoche as ‘high Lama”, has  his sexual abuses totally covered-up by Hollywood and Corrupt Media. What they always do for their favorites promoting their “Leftist Green New Deal-Destroy Sovereign Nations “cause.

The late Penor Rinpoche was head of the Nyingma Lamaist sect of the “ancient ones”; the most primitive and occult of the lineages; That has also merged with the Kagyu Tibetan Lamas and is pretending, for naive and pretentious academics, to be the “highest of Buddhist teachings.”  Penor also recognized Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche (son of Trungpa Rinpoche-the Tibetan Lama who brought Mindfulness and Tibetan Buddhism to the West; to put it to sleep). With the Dalai Lama’s approval.

Sakyong, i.e. Osel Mukpo (from the war-lord, Mukpo clan from Kham) is acting according to Tibetan Lama  tradition,  to be  another egregious abuser;  has been carrying by increasing the censorship, medieval rituals and  the sexual abuse and pederast-promoting grooming,  inside his renamed Shambhala International  the former Vajradhatu cult;  started by his coke-snorting, alcoholic, animal abusing and harem-keeping Dad,  whom the late Allen Ginsberg ( a member of NAMBLA) and the drugged-out ’60s rock and roll crowd made a Saint.

And, still do.

Hard to believe, (unless you knew how deeply involved in the Cult movement Barack Obama is) but Rahm Emanuel,  and Eric Schneiderman, did the same in Chicago, and New York City, respectively. Made the Sakyong II a Saint, too. Promoted this egregious abuse, r and Tantric Cult . 

Now those cities are chaotic and violent and one the members, Schneiderman, with sexual abuse allegations of his own.

Tibetan Tantra, which these Lamas represent equals Amoral Chaos. Not Peace, Not Women’s Empowerment.  The Lamas were the first MADMEN, who were marketing themselves, a thousand years ago, and in more ways than one.

Sakyong Mipham, Trungpa’s son (conceived by a nun the monk Trungpa impregnated when ‘escaping’ from Tibet) took two more generations of American and European students for another Tibetan Lama, abusive ride, before he was caught and then hightailed it to parts unknown.  He sneaks back to get donations and teach because of the sick cult around this group that doesn’t care what he does.  He is perfect and it is their ‘imperfect’ perception that keeps them seeing a negative, instead of his enlightened teachings when he is abusing women, like when Trungpa’s Regent raped young men and Trungpa kept a harem with girls as young as 14 years.  

This would all be a bad joke if it weren’t so awful.  

Tibetan Lamas consider themselves, and their Vajrayana teachings, that recommend pederasty, “above  Western Law”; so, says Lama Dzongsar Rinpoche with his Tibetan “Buddhist” chair in Ann Arbor, University of Michigan.  This will help program more young women and young men into confusion at this no-longer- prestigious University, in the middle of a fast-becoming third-world State, turning red as in Communist Red.

Dzongsar Rinpoche, another Chinese ‘soft power agent’ Tibetan Lama,  (is there any other kind these days?) has named the Chair after the notorious pedophile teacher and teachings of  Khyentse Gendun Chopel; whose works recommend girls as young as 8-years-old for the Lamas’ consorts,  for their ‘higher practices’. This is Lama Dzongsar’s ( and his Chinese sugar-daddy, R.N. H. Ho’s) middle-finger to the West.

Yes, the Lamaist Cover-up was successful.   Just check out the Best Seller List of Books on Amazon by number one sexual abuse enabler for 45 years, for ALL the Lamas: Pema Chodron and of course the Dalai Lama books.

This is what is being read by those liberal Progressives who consider themselves atheists, and non-conformists, and who eschew their former Christian morality and ethics:   Tibetan Lamaist books that recommend girls as young as 8-years-old as sexual consorts.  Universities go right along because Chinese millions are so helpful for their endowments. And, we wonder why the Political Left Progressives and Hollywood are caught with their pants down with children.  Look no further.

By the way, Lama Tenzin, the Dalai Lama’s secretary, whose pretend firing for his dalliance and getting 2 million dollars from NXIVM’ for his GodKing’s endorsement, was exonerated by Dalai Lama( hard copies available, link disappeared) and pimping DL’s compassion-mongering. 

DL knows bad news ALWAYS blows over for the Lamas, and Tenzin Dhondon can come back into the Kleptocracy fold.  Because Lamas get away with all kinds of abuse what with Hollywood, the Progressive Democratic Party, Universities, and Main Stream Media watching their backs.

The Rigpa Organization’s Patrick Gaffney,  is carrying on the sexually abusive teachings of Lama Sogyal.  And, Mindfulness classes on- line, of course. What a perfect platform to lure new students into your cult.  

Sogyal’s cult is still operating in New York City, and Washington D.C.; two of the most corrupt governments in the United States. Wonder why nothing is done about sexual abuse and pedophilia except for virtue signaling by Progressives in the Democratic Party?  The Republicans are not much better; being attached to their Religious Freedom but no longer discriminating Progressive-supported, Anti-Western Cults in their midst from the traditional religions these very cults are here to destroy; with Communist China’s support. 

The idiots extraordinaire of Shambhala International, Trungpa’s old students, and their children, who refuse to wake up; the dharma brats that drank ALL the kool-aid, have invited the egregious sociopathic son of Trungpa, the Sakyong, back into the fold to teach. After being outed for sadistic, serial sexual abuse for decades. They are enboldened by their corruption of most of our institutions, thanks, in part,  to their part in the chaotic mess. “No good no bad” Mindfulness.  

And, Trungpa’s ( and CCP-China’s) Naropa Institute, now University with tax dollar grants to help destroy Western Civilization, is still pumping out anti-American, Trungpa mind-controlled, Manchurian candidates, in the psychology and other ‘soft science’ professions.

And none are as confused as these still- mind-controlled western women, the ” contemplative’ (code for Tantra) psychology professors and academics; the psychotherapists who graduated from Trungpa’s ‘contemplative psychology’ graduate programs; even infiltrated the medical profession, through his copy-cat Lama, Lama Sogyal’s infiltration in Hospice care with his “Living and Dying” Tibetan Bardo book.  All those nurses they could fool! Who are now helping the Lamas beat the rap, AGAIN.

And, all those yoga teachers, who are having Tantra teachings fully incorporated into their curriculum, in order to get advanced certification. But, really, to advance Tantra into our culture in our countries.  To dumb more Western women down, down, down. 

And those Western Tibetan Buddhist women, who were outraged by what was revealed about their perfect religion, but  let a golden opportunity pass to make sure legal consequences happened to these law-breaking, Tibetan Lamas, and their inner-circle Tantric devotees; their institutional sexual abuses finally stopped?

The Dalai Lama and his Overarching Hierarchy of Inner Circle Enablers and his Western, ‘Well- Established-Buddhist-Swamp’, who swept in and surrounded the whistle-blowers and confused them, shut them up, have succeeded; as revealed by the many Buddhists’ Blogs that gathered all the outraged Buddhists into the Dalai Lama’s Limited Hang-Out Operation.  The main one, “Buddhist Controversy” Blog, operated by one of Dalai Lama’s main monks, a die-hard Western Tibetan Lamaist, and former East German, Stasi radio operator, knows a lot about propaganda; controlling the narrative; and eliminating anyone critical of the Dalai Lama, and his Vajrayana Tantric teachings.

He, and the inner circle of Westerners around the Lamas, have controlled the narrative since the abuses of Sogyal of Rigpa,  and Sakyong Mipham of Shambhala International, hit the mainstream news in  2017-2018.

Many are the same people who didn’t report this sexual abuse for over forty years. Who are really protecting their own gurus and/or the Dalai Lama and his mindfulness movement- the first meditation form that got us not to judge things as ‘good or bad’; not to use our reasoning minds; nor discriminate against bad things; like sexual abuse by lamas. Pederast behavior by students and Lamas never reported.  That IS what the Vajrayana Tantra is about;  what they want to save.  “No good, No bad,” No right no wrong.  A Perfect Utopia. Imagine.

That is what these twice-used female and male whistle-blowers do not yet get. “Not judging things as good or bad,” except those who criticize Lamaism and its teachings, leads to egregious despotic corruption and abuse.  This is not complex.

Sexual abuse is seen in the Vajrayana as ‘just a concept.’  A delusional state of mind. That would  erroneously believe that this was ‘sexual abuse’ and not ‘blessings’ from great wise beings in helping one reach a state of ‘non-duality’, i.e., “no good no bad.”  This Vajrayana, whatever it was in Old India, circa 800 A.D., was NEVER meant to be mass-spread among people; like it was in caste-system-entrenched India, and in slave and serf-controlled Old Tibet.

Now it is here among westerners, to undermine our own western ethics and laws and destroy our Constitutional Democracy from within. Hooked up, as they are with radical Marxists, thus in two cults not one, making a critical mass of educated Westerners dumbed down and mindless and numb about this happening all around them.

Besides, the lamas and their inner circle of enablers can’t let their Billion Dollar Mindfulness Movement of the Mind and Life Institute,   started by the Dalai Lama and former Trungpa students, be harmed. So they say they are going to ‘democratize’  all this, and ‘westernize’ their Lamaism pretending to be Buddhism. How can you ‘westernize’ a medieval cult that believes they can change their semen mixed with the bodily fluids of a female, into an immaterial essence and shoot it backward, up to the top of their heads?  For a ‘bliss enlightenment?’  That will turn their adherents into an androgynous, androcentric Lord Chakravartin, ruling over the cosmos?

THAT is what the Vajrayana Tantra believes.   These stuck medievalists don’t respect females, whom they kept believing were in ‘inferior bodies,’ for over a thousand years in Tibet; who couldn’t be enlightened in this lifetime but could receive ‘blessings’ for their next life by having sex with a Lama in this one; adding power to their purification prayers to be reborn a man.

What is wrong with these western women who can’t see this?  Well, they have been profoundly mind-controlled inside their sanghas, and those, just coming out, are still addicts who no longer can discriminate what to reject or accept. Addicted to Lamaism and its Vajrayana teachings that they believe is superior Buddhism because it makes them feel superior, ‘special’ and morally righteous. 

No, it makes them still slaves and infantilized children. The Tibetan Lamas’ Change Agents. True-life Manchurian Candidates.  Even when calling out this horrendous abuse of sometimes their own children?  They don’t go to the police. No longer individuals with a will of their own.

Yet, these are the very people leading the ‘mindfulness movement.‘  That is everywhere. In our hospitals; our clinics, our police force; our military!;  In our K-12 Schools.  And, now in our traditional religious congregations. To weaken us as a country.  A Nation. A Democracy. To make us amoral: “no good, no bad; no right no wrong,” no sexual abuse, no pedophilia, no criminals, no bad people no country, no religion.

What do you think really bad people will do in a world that adheres to this philosophy? Carte Blanche Chaos. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg in our Progressive Democratic inner cities, now.

Sexual abuse cults cannot change from within. This one, with the most influence in our universities, needs now an outside Federal Investigation into the whole hierarchy of lamas and their western enabler cult members who are boldly breaking the laws of western countries, and who have gotten their still-fooled western devotees to publicly repeat:  “There is no overarching hierarchy.”

Are you kidding? These Lamas have been working their students together, teaching at each other’s centers, sharing their western sexual consorts, for the last four decades. They are all part of the Mind and Life Institute of the Dalai Lama, even working with other Buddhist groups, like Zen and Theravada,  to try and bring them, and everyone else,  under the Lamaist ( and CCP-China’s) thumbs;  through this Gollum-like mindfulness movement.   Hollywood and Silicon Valley and wealthy billionaires are along for the ride.  These are the Dalai Lama’s helpmates, to protect and enable him; his loyal ‘heart sons’  and the important female celebrities, devotees and nuns, who keep this gurus’ secrets and thus the sexual abuse intact;  Lamaism’s witting and unwitting change agents.

Once one realizes these are brainwashed religious fanatics, or cowered cult members, one no longer tries to engage. It is mostly a sad,  lost cause with them, the die-hard fanatics who will stay and confuse the public and the other potential whistle-blowers. More important to reach people not yet caught and warn them, if one can.

These Tibetan lamas are laughing at these westerners and naive women who think they are ‘outrageously’ calling out the abuse but never went to the police. And, looking to the same cookie-cutter Tibetan lamas for advice.

All this chatting and blogging on Tibetan Buddhist sites?  For the last three and a half years? Has been about saving the Dalai Lama and their cognitive dissonance, and their own Tibetan Lamaism tax-free centers and the many thousands of Tantric- influenced Mindfulness Centers and the thousands of spin-off non-profits, and charitable foundations and ‘educational departments’ within our increasingly insane universities, where free speech and a truly liberal education is a thing of the past.

And, its worked so well?   This chatting and blogging and Xing and Facebooking that we don’t have journalists, or professionals anymore. Just people wanting to increase their following for ad revenue, and selling their books, and giving the seminars, marketing themselves, since they’re life coaches and mentors learned it from the masters at ‘marketing themselves’ as ‘enlightened’ to keep their own people enslaved. 

Copyright Christine A Chandler © March 17th, 2024


I am appalled by the level of brainwashing of educated, upper-middle-class liberal women these days who, after years of these eastern influences,  have no idea how they are being spun and hung out to dry, over and over, to undermine their own freedoms by embracing medieval influences.

©  2018, Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A. G. S.

  •  took Vajrayana vows with at least seven different Lamas, who were all teaching at each other’s centers and told us the same scary fairytale that we were bound to ALL of them in Guru Mind and would go to vajra hell if we criticize a hair on their heads.  This is Totalitarianism and massive undue-influence  in a religious disguise, and the western enablers of these lamas, unwitting or not,  are still assuring that these despotic, atavistic and misogynistic Lamaist teachings come through in a ‘scientific disguise’ through the  Mind and Life Institute of the Dalai Lama; their flag-ship magazines, and their ‘academic’ papers.  Now, the lamas can convert the Chinese-speaking population in Communist China and China SAR to help fulfill the Globalist delusional dreams of these Tantric Lamas and their many western helpmates who started the whole thing, nearly three generations ago.  They have completed their work in the West.   The silent killer of a western civilization that no one is noticing.


Copyright 2024, Christine A Chandler 

Transgenderism and Tantric Yoga Making Western Women Crazy

“Chakrasambhava” the Tibetan Lamaist and Hindu guru deity,  absorbing female essence, to become an androcentric androgynous male.  The goal of all Tantric ‘higher practices.”  In other words, to become a Transgender man/woman , like we see happening today, attempting, with this influence infiltrating every institution,  to do the same thing in our Western countries . #WakeUP

Khentse Rinpoche, with thousands of followers, in Drag. Influencing Chaotic Narcissism in the San Francisco Trans Community. Tantra=Chaos

Transgenderism and Tantra:

First, let me say , I never had a problem with transgender people.  As most of us never did. I think  the real transgenders are vulnerable people in the world.  But the Progressives and Mega Corporations enlarging their presence, and enflaming them with a warped trans ideology;  used by Fascist Leftists to destroy the traditional family; the foundation of our Western nations; and  making them  into the face of the new brownshirts? Killing Christian children and THEY are the martyrs?  You know something terrible has infested our mental health of liberal democrats in our country.

Psychology professionals at Boston Children’s Hospital, (considered the premiere experts on child abuse in those long-ago days) when  LICSW social workers in the Boston area, like myself, still had clinical skills ? They are mostly  all Woke now, after the Mindfulness targeting of the Lamas got to them, early on. 

Now, they are in collusion with the now equally WOKE medical professionals,who are giving young children hormones, and performing sex-change surgery upon them.  

 These were my colleagues in preventing sexual abuse and exploitation of children, not so long ago.  Now? They are the ones committing the emotional and physical abuse on children. Professionals  who used to be outraged by pedophilia, and exploiting children,  have been brainwashed by a very insidious Agenda and are unwittingly, for the most part, enabling a sociopathic and anti-human movement.

Sickening, however,  how conforming the medical profession, psychologists and academics always are , when a country starts turning  Totalitarian.  Never forget the role they played in Hitler’s &  Stalin’s regime and now in the deteriorating ethics of the West.

I am sickened also to see, once again, that the new, New Left, and their favorite cult, Tibetan Lamaism, both of them misogynistic, radical Marxist,  and both in bed with CCP-China, are also exploiting and enflaming the  transgender population to be acting insane; shooting up Christians and those who refuse to call them by the ‘correct” name.

 Like they enflame every identity group they capture in their big rainbow world to make minority opinions the majority of the future, only to drive all of us into another Totalitarian nightmare.

Instead of Progressives, on both sides of the aisle,  realizing, long ago, they were duped by a medieval religion of fundamentalist 8th-century Totalitarian-groomed toddlers,   favorite of the Khans, Himmler, Serrano, Asahara, Wirathu and now CCP China, whose main teachers, the high Lamas of their Mafia of lineages, were programmed themselves in deity and demon worship,  and the worst of hell realms;   brainwashed, since early days, (Atisha teachings) to find women physically disgusting and encouraging homosexuality in the monasteries.

Where do you think the first transvestite partners came from, hundreds of years ago, for the higher monks? They were from the dance troops in their Lama Theatre Rituals, to  amuse the masses, from the monasteries.

It was far better to ‘sleep’ with a young, lower-status monk including children, than a woman. Pedophilia was rampant in monasteries in Tibet, India and here,  today in the western Lamaist monasteries and centers.  The inner circle men are often carrying on the Lamaist pederast teachings in the Kalachakra and other “higher teachings.” That’s what their ‘sacred teachings’ told these low-caste Tibetan monks for centuries and still today, and the transvestite dancers were  most sought after by the higher monks ( what the CCP hopes  would happen here in the West;  to destroy families and then nations,  for their Great Reset: World Citizenship Chinese Harmonious Buddhist style.

While the female consorts, in their early teens, or younger, were given to the High Lamas to ‘revitalize their spiritual energies’ whatever the young girls might want.

Like today, inside all these Tibetan Lama groups, the young women and adolescent girls are told the same thing. It’s a “blessing to sleep with a Lama greater than a King” and how fortunate these females to erase their bad karma for being born as a woman by getting blessings from these ‘generous’ lamas to  ‘rebirth’ as a man.

This androcentric ( male-to-female)  transgender movement,  thanks to the insane Left and a crazy Khyentse Dzongsar- Lama drag queen and CCP- Tibetan Lama propagandist film maker in San Francisco-who is one of the most most influential of Tibetan Lamas.

Khyentse Dzongsar, in a hidden “Fuck you America” gesture, named the University of Michigan’s Buddhist Chair after a pedophile-advocate Lama,  and the general context of the Lamas’ world -where there is no self, no gender, no person left-  has helped increase what is really a   PROFOUNDLY MISOGYNISTIC  Transgenderism,  because of these androcentric roots. 

This is NOT about compassion towards transgenders, as  the promoters on their websites believe, but is about using transgenders to break up traditional family life, to create chaos in the West,  and to help the Chinese Communist party  undermine western civilization by making liberal westerners confused and dumb-down into obedience.   Particularly educated liberal women.  Fool the women?  The men will follow.

 I can’t believe that educated women do not see that these Transgender ‘women’ today, who are propagandizing their own children in schools and libraries across our nation,  are NOT  honoring women by mimicking them, but making the female sex look ridiculous; a cartoon of itself. Which is certainly and most insidiously entering the small child’s mind:  break up traditional roles while demeaning women at the same time.

As for the transgender men; women mutilating their bodies to become men?  It is more of the same culturally-induced self-loathing that women are experiencing, in no small thanks to this influence of misogyny and double-messaging of the media, academics, Hollywood,  and of their occult cult of the  Tibetan Lamas, who lure young women in, with their promise of enlightenment, if you are in a male body.  

So, is it any wonder, after the undue influence on Ellen Page, who is now Elliot Page, after being in  Chogyam Trungpa’s Shambhala School of Halifax N.S?  An abusive Lama who kept a harem of young women and slept with most all the rest?  I notice the Shambhala school  and their teachers  no longer brag  they are part of this scandalous, sexually abusive cult, like they used to.  That is because most of them are hiding their connections with this cult that made the Canadian Maritime Provinces crazy.

Vajrayana Tantra made the whole world crazy, once it ‘escaped’ from Tibet in a big way in the early 60s.  This Hindu Tantric lineage (what Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ really is)  was NEVER meant to be taught to masses of people to make them anarchist religious fundamentalists, determined to destroy their own cultures. Which has happened throughout time,  because Tantra is Anarchy.  Further, merging it with Gramsci Marxism, and Fascist wannabes, on the Left or the Right, speeds it up. What we are witnessing, now.

China better be careful what they have embraced, again. This Guru Lama movement is now Big in CCP-China and Buddhist Asia, already profoundly misogynistic for centuries, but now embracing the Lamas as the ‘spearhead’ of their World CCP Harmonious Buddhism.

Tibetan Lamas Spearhead ‘World Buddhism’ arm of CCP China

Just like here,  where the wealthy, Progressive elite, since Madame Blavatsky days, started ‘channeling’ the Lamas as part of her occult Theosophist movement in New York City, and now we have real Lamas conning the whole world. It was no accident that the late harem-keeping abuser, Sogyal Rinpoche thanked the Theosophists for helping bring the Lamas to the West.

The wealthy Chinese class (capitalism for them and poverty and communism for everyone else) have been very attracted to the amoral permission Tantric Buddhism  gives them; while taming the masses, further into mental slavery, over time.

China must forget how the Lamas took over Buddhism in Tibet and China once before. Both countries plunged into economic darkness ,for centuries. Tantra makes everything upside down. But Capitalist Billionaires in China, like here, love this Tantra, like they love all hedonistic and/or avant-garde, lifestyle choices. We are witnessing the fruition of the truly stupid people, but rich, taking over the world.

By the way, these are not ‘feminists’. this third wave. No, these are Progressive women who are completely confused by what to reject or accept in their lives. It is awful to see. A sexist remark gets headlines, but rape by this Karmapa the 17th, roaming our halls in Congress, along with that trickster the Dalai Lama, from the wrathful Khan lineage, pretending to be a bodhisattva? Sick.

He is part of the Green New Deal Movement i.e. the New World Order, for Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, that CCP-CNN wants everyone to think “is a conspiracy theory.”  Instead of the biggest real conspiracy the world has ever seen. DL attends World Economic Forums, with the other God realm Billionaires-who think they are superior beings, too- who should rule the world.  Who promote pedophilia, the end of women’s rights;   the end of children’s rights, the end of ‘individuality;’ and the end of ‘nationalities’ to slowly undermine the  sovereignty of nations.

These U.N. Globalists out of UNESCO have been World Citizen Fanatics, in fact, since Alice Bailey days.  It’s time to recognize what their Agenda really is and how crazy they really are, despite their academic credentials.

Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S., Copyright  © December 23, 2021

Bell Hooks Hooked: Took the Bait

Bell Hooks with the Patriarchy Extreme Enabler, Pema Chodron
Bell Hooks did for educated black women what k.d. Lang did for too many lesbians:  hooked them up with Pema Chodron- who recruited them into ‘dumb’.
Had them embracing, for the last 30 plus years,  a real, misogynistic, atavistic patriarchy, of medieval proportions, who kept slaves until 1959. 
And is still enslaving minds, as an army of change agents from a Cult of Profound Misogyny, not a Buddhist religion, but a Tantric Cult  that hides behind Buddhist robes, and  that is inimical for the freedoms and rights of ALL women,  men and children  around the world.  But, favorite of tyrants throughout history. And, today. 
And let’s not forget Oprah, the victimology expert-turned-recruiter, for both eastern and western “New Religious Movements”; formerly known as CULTS. She promoted both Pema Chodron, and therefore Tibetan Lamaism, for years.  And then took up the New Age Christianity groups to promote Marianne Williamson guru types, promoting a ‘divine within’ Christianity. Which then overlapped once the Dalai Lama’s ‘mindfulness’ and ‘wokeness” was embraced by libertarian, Christian groups.
Now, black  women are demeaning themselves sexually;  twerking their asses in people’s faces;  pole dancing at NFL half-time shows;  while now so delusional they believe this is “empowering” them. As the Tibetan Tantra Lamas, and the  amoral mega-corporatists they serve, would want them to do. 
As the creators of the KKK, the Democrats , would want them to do.
As all authoritarian regimes, religious and  political, which have now merged in the Great Reset,  would want them to do.
The Dalai Lama’s 10-day Kalachakra, given for the 5th time in 2011, in the targeted U.S., under SUBUD cult member Obama’s watch, capturing the minds of our representative government, and held  in Washington DC’s Verizon Center (a merger of Church and the Corporate State that I am talking about).
Thus, a medieval androcentric God Realm Vision, orchestrated by Divine Narcissists that Wagner would have admired, exploded the chaos of their Tantric teachings that want them to spill into World War III.  Which our Uniparty is literally hell-bent now to begin.  for the Great Reset of Corporate Futuristic Controlled world; A Cosmic Patriarchy that is about nailing all female energy down. To do this, you had to brainwash the women in western, free worlds.  CCP China knew how, watching how the self-declared Marxist, the Dalai Lama and his mindfulness, their secret weapon since 1984, made formerly intelligent women and men regress to 840 A.D. feudal thinking. To become the critical mass of influence in our western soft power institutions. 
 And the MIT and  IT and AI and neuroscientists,  PhD eccentrics with NO COMMON SENSE, all the western academia whom these medieval, atavistic Lama priests relish duping, have gone right along with the plan that Himmler and Dalai Lama’s tutor, Heinrich Harrar, an unrepentant Nazi would approve. It was their Adi-Buddha Dreamworld. And, Hollywood and Robert Thurman’s (NYTimes’ propagandist for Tibetan Buddhism) plan, as well.
The merger of Tantric Hindu and Tibetan ideology by the #1 Public Relations Firm, named so by The Economist, 2013, was Ruder Finn’s spin-off Global Peace Initiative for Women   ‘non-profit’ 501c.
  Now, why would a very successful, Public Relations Corporation have a spin-off NGO pushing Hindu and Tibetan Guruism and Lamaism on women and uniting religions by weaving them together with Tantra?  
Tibetan language has over two dozen names for women, who are taught to pray to be reborn a man, and most all are insulting.
Yet these two  radical progressive women, both Marxists,  pictured above, one black and one white, are enabling a pedophile-promoting CULT that excluded women from entering their temples and used them as the Lama’s  sexual consorts, girls as young as 8 years old, and for birthing their male Tulkus.  Kept slaves (5%) and 80 % in gross poverty.
Boy, have these Lamas completely fooled liberal ‘educated’ women, black and white, with fancy degrees.   
Who are now manifesting, crazy-like in what they are embracing, thanks in part to this anti-female influence disguised as ’empowering women’, by totally tying them to their emotions and sexuality. 
Exactly what my generation of women’s rights advocates were fighting against. You can’t believe how bizarre this is to those of us fighting to free ourselves from these Victorian stereotypes and these Machiavellian influences that hooked our daughters and granddaughters.
Black women, who have fallen for the Progressive Left Tantric grift, are in for a terrible disappointment if they read my book, about what Tibetan Lamas REALLY think about Women- Black, Brown, or White- A real-life Handmaids tale that has had massive consequences on women’s rights.
– Christine A. Chandler © September 2022 updated.

Why you can’t get through to Progressives

Nancy Pelosi and Valerie Jarrett with inner circle, celebrating Tantric empowerments with the Dalai Lama.

The WEF’s World Citizen Cult

The Corporatization of Misogyny and Occult Religions to Keep Women’s Rights Nailed Down:

The hundreds of thousands of corporate progressive women, like  Dina Merriam, a young idealistic Globalist,  have no idea what these Tibetan Lamas and Hindutva Gurus represent.

Because they did Mindfulness Lobotomizing Retreats, of enough duration, to no longer tell lies from truth, facts from falsehoods, and real sexual abuse and pedophila, from “peace’.”

The side effect of the Lamas’ meditation and teachings, is to make women really dumb, blind and deaf. And, this mafia of Tibetan Occult Tantra is the spearhead of this ‘Religious’ Global Initiative part of the #GreatReset, whose goal is to nail real women’s rights down. 

Promoted, by the way, by Ruder Finn’s Global Peace Initiative for Women; a Tantric/Hindu/ Zen/Theravada Bon, Tibetan ‘Buddhism’ as the ‘contemplative’ (code for Tantra) model for peace. 

They are all on board the WEF Green New Deal, of course. They sold their GPIW website and their souls, to have the new one, to scrub the Left Bella Abzug connections; but its the same radica bunch. 

Chogyam Trungpa, whom all Lamas thank for bringing their mafia, misogynistic cult to the West, and endorsed; the promiscuous homosexual Osel Tenzin, a.k.a. Thomas Rich, a semi-golf pro and  massage therapist from New Jersey, to take his place as his Regent.

Osel Tenzin, who bragged about getting 10 students, a day, to give him blow jobs, and who eventually gave students of Trungpa  AIDS believing magical practices would prevent its spread during sex;   Yet, the late head of Nyingmapa Bon sect, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, and the CCP-allied  Karma Kagyu sect’s  Head Khenpo, the late Thrangu Rinpoche with centers in Portland Maine, and up and down coast, endorsed him. . The Lamas always go after the rich elite and college students where they locate their centers to help destroy family life, that they teach prevents ‘enlightenment.’.

Both of these of highest of Lamas’ ( whose word is to be obeyed) ostentatiously  approved, so the whole world would see it, and gave Trungpa’s Regent a Stupa and a new lineage under his lover, Patrick Sweeney, in Ohai, CA, of course.

His second, newest lineage center, for all the duped homosexuals and transgenders coming to Maine, is in Bath Maine. Bringing their form of Mindlessness to the Bates, Bowdown and Colby students, who are now donning Arafat scarfs and screaming anti-semitic genocide to the Jews, . That’s how STUPID they have been made by this Tantric “new religious movement’ in all higher education, for the last 60 years. *

*Do people even know that the Dalai Lama’s CCP Eco-Karmapa replacement had a secret whirlwind tour of our prestigious ivys in 2015 for over two months; lecturing in mandarin with Western devotee fanatic translators, which is always the case so these often illiterate Lamas can appear brilliant and profound. And the Progressive liberals ate it up. So did the Merton Catholics already infiltrated into the Catholic Church with these eastern cult memes. This was when all the rape and sexual abuse and physical abuse by these Lamas of Western students were just about to be released.


And,   ALL THE LAMAS , 100’s of every sect throughout the world,  came  to empower the Regent at Trungpa’s “United States-Canadian Take-over Colonization” for the future New World Order,  North American Union, with weeks of ceremonies  spreading from this War Lord’s Tibetan 1987 cremation  at Karme Choling  in Vermont,   and then across our countries.

After all,  they were sent specifically here,  two decades before, to fool the usual gullible lberal elite into hating their own Western Civilization and embrace Globalism with a WarLord touch, and with  Trungpa’s crazy-wisdom  Vajrayana , after he was kicked out of Scotland.

Trungpa  arrived in U.S. at the same  time as the ‘sexual revolution’,  so-called,  and he was the precursor to ‘fluid selves’.  Look at videos of David Bowie;  a guru devotee of Tantric Warlord Trungpa.  First , of many celebrities on board , to cause massive confusion amongst baby boomers,  with this Father of Tibetan Lamaism in the West; his  Sorceror/ Sadhu “Wheel of Destruction” Tantra, Kalachakra Tantra disguised as “Buddhism,” or “Dzogchen.”

Continue reading Why you can’t get through to Progressives

Amazon is Censoring Books Reporting Sexual Abuse

Amazon Censoring Books That Tell the Truth.“At a time of unprecedented attempts to ban books in America, Carol Horne of Harvard Bookstore said the American Library Association is launching projects to fight back. Our voice was always heard  before, what are we doing now?” Nicole Brinkley commented that “removing the teeth of ABFFE (the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression) may come back to bite us”.

For example,  Amazon’s new censorship policies are now preventing me from advertising my book.  Apparently Amazon doesn’t want you to know about the rape charges against the darling of the Progressive faux-feminists:  the Eco-Karmapa 17th, Ogyen Trinley, with millions of followers around the world, so they won’t be warned.  Or that he was charged in India for being a Chinese spy, and the U.S. Obama administration’s trips to India  got him off. Now he is roaming the halls of our Congress as the Dalai Lama’s replacement.

Just as they made sure the United States criminal justice system didn’t prosecute the most egregious of these Tibetan Lama sexual abusers and harem-keeping  pedophiles, like Sogyal Rinpoche and Trungpa Rinpoche;  nor Trungpa’s Regent ( who mentally coerced young men into sex while having AIDS);  or his abusive, sick son;  while they let the illegitimate stepson of Chogyam Trungpa who, besides bringing  Ebola to this Country,  worked with Soros to get the pedophile-reporting laws changed in California;

Not coincidently,  this cabal of corruption  also made “knowledge of having AIDS, and passing the deadly disease on” no longer a criminal act.   More ‘blessings’ from the Tibetan Lamas of “peace and compassion.”

Amazon doesn’t want you to know about these things.

Or that the Dalai Lama didn’t give up his two million to endorse Keith Raniere, who was inspired by the Tibetan Lamas’  “highest” teachings; nor his political role but instead switched from “Free Tibet”  to  Climate Change in 2009. He didn’t tell all those monks and nuns  who  burned themselves up for his “Free Tibet Hoax” into 2015,  as  he had ‘moved on. ‘

It was so good for the Lamas’  ‘victim status’ among western audiences and  donors; like the usual rock and roll and Hollywood dumbest of Americans crowd.  All the ‘Free Tibet Concerts’ monies would have gone  right into the Dalai Lama’s and his relatives’ pockets and certainly not the Tibetan people whom these Dalai Lamas made permanent serfs and slaves; living  off them and taxing them into early deaths;  for over a thousand years.   (The role model, by the way,  for our future #Great Reset; according to NYTimes  “expert” and cult devotee, Robert Thurman).

Here is samples  of  my almost two-year correspondence with Amazon, whose new policies of censorship make sure people rarely know about how they repress  informative and well-documented books, that helps tie all the anti-West, anti-free speech,  anti-women precedents together;   a big part of fooling Western women and men into accepting this occult primitive Lamaism as the ‘highest Buddhism.’  So, three generations will give up their rational thought.

Amazon Ghosting Authors that Report Sexual Abuse .

Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2022 23:46:31 +0000=

From: Chris C 

To: “” <>

Subject: My Case RE:[CASE 9670070021] Case created from inbound contact.

Last Letter to Amazon Advertising:

To Whom it May Concern:

The  Above Case was resolved to let me advertise my book.  I received notice of this 3/11/2022 by email.

I went to my ‘Manage my  Advertising’ at Amazon Ads.  Found the last ad that I had had suspended,  and added some categories and Products -totally related to MY Product on 3/14.

I also started another ad,  same book , same content I advertised with you since 2017, (that you  censored when the Biden regime  got elected in this country, sic)  and yet finally approved again on 3/11  by a real person.   And that was immediately suspended.

I went back to the Ad that had been referred to in the CASE # above as a go, and I activated that ad today (3/16/2022) adding a few more  totally  related  products and, categories to my book about the “Language of Cults” that  much of my book is also about, for example, and Cults in in Our Midst,  and Cults Inside Out.   My book is both a scholarly book,  and a cult survivor memoir,  written as a retired  licensed psychologist and LICSW social worker,  who witnessed and experienced most of the celebrity lamas and their backstage behaviors. that few in my professions ever have.  Professions that have been particularly duped by these Lamas.  That is why it is so important that people have access to my book,  I have helped many women ( and men) who write to me,  and when I advertised my book. I had hundreds of women  thanking me, including those who left the many Lamaist cult groups.   They were glad their perceptions were being confirmed that this was an unhealthy guru-worshipping system that had little to do with enlightenment and even less to do with making people more awake.

(  Note: Mine was the first book published to expose the Lamas , written by a psychologist and expert in sexual abuse, as well as a survivor.  It should have skyrocketed to the top of the CULT lists. And, it did, when I could advertise. So, they stopped that.)

But, Amazon, calling my book Hate speech and then Pornography,  and then.  after approving it,  suspending it for no reason, again?

Someone who is making these continued arbitrary,  inflammatory and insane decisions is hurting both women and girls in the long run,  because they don’t want this information out.

I have been working on this situation for MONTHS now, and clearly there is someone who comes in, as soon as I put the ad up, and and tweaks it,  so my ad is suspended.  Has to be true, because you just APPROVED  it, after months of appeals, three days ago. [Or, you have an algorithm that ‘kicks in’ as soon as my book is approved by a real person.  I suspect that is the case.  It’s no secret you are now WOKE completely,  simply meaning young millenials, brainwashed into WOKE by the boomer Leftist establishment media and the Globalist Authoritarians, are controlling the few adults left in your organization, that go along;  for fear of losing their jobs.

It is now becoming suspicious that this has been arbitrary all along,  based on personal bias because my book is not different than any other CULT book you have advertised,  except many of them are  far more lurid, and my book is far more professional, is not entertaining people with sexuality,  and lurid covers, or as you say pornography.   In fact, lurid pornography books about TANTRIC SEX are allowed to advertise off my book.

I have a right,  as a professional and as a women’s right advocate of long standing,  to report sexual abuse where I see it..  I take that oath I took seriously.  Someone at Amazon is protecting the sexual abuse of this particular CULT.  It is  illegal to prevent my free speech, my professional expertise in sexual abuse, and preventing thousands of young women and girls from being warned. Or helping others leave a cult situation.

Please do your best to correct this.   It is important , not just for my book, but for ALL women and young girls  around the World.


Christine A. Chandler

Dear Author Central:

I am the author of Enthralled: The Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism.   

I have 2 issues that still need to be addressed that are amounting to Amazon violating my first amendment rights as and as a professional in sexual abuse, to report on these groups,  with a well-documented, fact-filled book, that is being subtly, but clearly cancelled. 

I believe it is a violation of women’s rights advocates to report sexual abuse and to tell,”about sexual abuse.’ 

But,  it is seriously wrong to let people , still in these sexually abusive Lamaist cults,  censor my getting my information out.   And, to add insult to injury, sponsor-advertise off MY book, with the distortion of same subject matter, and a more salacious cover and title to use these secret teachings of the Lamas in the booming new business of sex therapists that have replaced real clinicians who used to help people combat sexually abused. I was one of the latter, clinically trained psychotherapists and social workers, for years. These days they are cheering on transgenders dismantling women’s rights.

1. The UK reviews ( the only two that show on my author page) for example,  are repeated twice and thus given 24% weight in Britain.  He then recommends my competitors books as much better to buy.  I speculate they are together in helping repress my book. The things he writes are just repeated memes by those still involved with these Lama gurus, “right wing’ Christian, and “conspiracy theorist”, the new favorite ad hominem attack of the Left,  that doesn’t have to have any basis in fact. Only has to be said.  Knowing most liberals just hear that word and freeze. 

Negative reviewers, also  with an agenda over an obvious controversial subject,  are much more likely to review books, as your own analysis probably shows. So their ad hominem attacks, which now include “conspiracy theorist’ and “right wing Christian’  and ‘crazy’ of which I am none,  violate your own policies. Which seem to be favoring a cancel culture direction.

 My book is fact-based and about  my experience. As one reviewer on an anti cult site said,  my book was better documented than most cult memoirs about an important subject. . Yet these trolls, with an agenda, can write lies, who clearly haven’t read my book, implying it is against all Buddhism, when it is the opposite. It is  objective and scholarly, and only addresses Lamaism as a cult, with 700 plus footnotes of primary and secondary sources about the witnessed exploitation of women and girls in these sanghas based on my 30 years experience, and my thirty- year, professional expertise in the subject of sexual abuse.  

  You can see the wide discrepancy between the positive reviews and the trolls and competitors saying the exact opposite. They came in once my book was really selling, and  Amazon took its biased position to protect the sexual abuse enablers, and the Dalai Lama, and  the devotees of the Lamas,  whereby the sexual abusers are still allowed to perpetrate their fraud on women and girls.

And my positive reviews ARE not by family members, or current cult family members, like these negative 1-2 star reviews.   They will try and get my book OFF Amazon, and Amazon is basically letting them.  Cheering them on.

The trick of getting all of the friends and graduates  (of say Naropa or the Dalai Lama’s Mind and Life Institute bunch)  is to push the negative comments to the top, with ‘helpful clicks’’ (and) really should end because it is so abused by less than ethical people who are working in tandem. Yet my 5-star reviews with more helpful clicks than the one you put as the top positive 4-star review has fewer

So I am getting triple -whammed with these 3 things, that amount to repression of my important book to warn women of about these sexually abusive clerics and their inner circles,  and I would appreciate it if you would correct this. It goes against everything about ‘transparency about sexual abuse” that is so current.  I don’t think Amazon should be participating in secrecy about this. Do You? 

I am also a Prime Customer that spends over 6K a year at Amazon.  As an author and valued customer, I believe I deserve better than this.


Christins A Chandler, 

Enthralled: Guru Cult of Tibetan Buddhism 

Green New Deal, Mindfulness And China’s Soft Power in the West





Shambhala’s Partners in Crime: Pema Chodron and her Sakyong; female enabling part of the Karmapa Kagyu Lineage of Sexual Abuse ,with 40 Years of  Cover-up.


The Dalai Lama’s Karmapa ‘reincarnation’ Has been here for 22 years.

As the Karmapa Rape Charges Continue, while Ogyen Trinley, the 17th of the Karmapas,  designated as the “Eco-Karmapa” Dalai Lama replacement by the Dalai Lama;  the radical Progressives in our U.S. Congress- on both sides of the aisle; AND CCP China, who has been on board since 2000 when they facilitated his ‘escape’ to Dalai Lama headquarters in India by helicopter and SUV. 

Soon, he had his own  headquarters in New York, and Crestone Colorado.

Karmapa above honored  in our Congress- from both sides of the aisle even though he has been accused of:  

Yet, here he is  roaming our Congressional halls with Pelosi, who has been promoting these sexually abusive Lamas at the expense of the freedoms of the Tibetan peoples, and ignoring ALL the terrible things they have done in all Western and Asian countries to women and girls;  and for the last fifty years. Not to mention what they did to their own Tibetan people for a thousand years. 

The Republicans are no wiser. Mike Pence put the Dalai Lama’s “reincarnation” (unless CCP-China changes its mind)  in the last COVID relief bill, during the Presidential transition, after Trump refused to meet with the Dalai Lama for four years.  To his immense credit. 

Are these establishment Republicans ALL stupid?  Or something more sinister?   Or are they just trying to virtue-signal to Libertarians, often fooled by New Age memes and tropes.  After all, C-Street Republicans made a pact with New Age to do the “one work together”, at Gold  Ranch, Boulder, Colorado,  in 1987.  Much of Colorado then became NYC and California. 

This #CCP Plant, the 17th Karmapa, has been the enemy within for decades. With Karma Kagyu centers all over the world. Including Naropa Institute now University. This is a MAFIA of Lamas, who work together, who share Western, mind-controlled female consorts, and  their cuckold western men as translators and house-servants, and dumbing down the population of the United States, directly or indirectly,  through their thousands of Western ‘academic’ and psychology Mindfulness change agents.  Not to mention Europe, EurAsia ( they have been busy in Russian and Eastern Europe). sending some of their western pedophile cult members,  to dumb those populations  down. 

Ogyen Trinley 17th Karmapa on Shrine of Chinese Han Buddhists

Four Wives of Steven Seagal, Lawsuits, Movies, Albums and ...

Steven Seagal’s Rape Charges briefly covered by establishment enabling media, and then covered up.

The late Penor Rinpoche was head of the Nyingma Lamaist sect of the “ancient ones”; the most primitive and occult of the lineages;  pretending, for naive and pretentious academics, to be the “highest of Buddhist teachings.”  Penor, besides recognizing Steven Seagal as a ‘high lama” for cash, of course,  also recognized Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche ( son of Trungpa Rinpoche-the Tibetan Lama who brought Mindfulness and Tibetan Buddhism to the West to put it to sleep). With the Dalai Lama’s approval.

Sakyong, i.e. Osel Mukpo (from the Mukpo clan from Kham);  another egregious abuser, has been carrying on the Lamaist tradition by increasing the sexual abuse and pedophilia inside his renamed Shambhala International, the former Vajradhatu cult;  started by his coke-snorting, alcoholic, animal abusing, and harem-keeping Dad,  whom the late Allen Ginsberg ( a member of NAMBLA) and the drugged-out ’60s rock and roll crowd made a Saint. And, still do.

Hard to believe, but Rahm Emanuel and Eric Schneiderman did the same in Chicago and New York City, respectively. Made the Sakyong II a Saint, too. Promoted this egregious abuser and Tantric Cult.   Now those cities are chaotic and violent and one of them, Schneiderman, with sexual abuse allegations of his own.

Tibetan Tantra, which these Lamas represent, equals Amoral Chaos. Not Peace, not the ‘highest Buddhism.’ 

Sakyong Mipham, Trungpa’s son,  took two more generations of American and European students for another Tibetan Lama, abusive ride,  before he was caught and then hightailed it to parts unknown. 

This would all be a bad joke if it weren’t so awful.  Tibetan Lamas consider themselves and their Vajrayana teachings, that recommend pedophilia, by the way, “above  Western Law.”  So says Lama Dzongsar Rinpoche with his Tibetan “Buddhist”  chair in Ann Arbor, University of Michigan.  This will help program more young women into DUMB and CONFUSED at this no-longer- prestigious University, in the middle of a fast-becoming third-world State of  Michigan turned RED as in Communist Red.

Dzongsar Rinpoche, another Chinese ‘soft power agent’ Tibetan Lama  (is there any other kind these days?) has named the Chair after the notorious pedophile teacher and teachings of  Khyentse Gendun Chopel; whose works recommend girls as young as 8-years-old as the Lamas’ consorts,  for their ‘higher practices’. This is Lama Dzongsar’s ( and his Chinese sugar-daddy, R.N. H. Ho’s) middle-finger to the West.

Yes, the Lamaist Cover-up was successful.   Just check out the Best Seller List of Books on Amazon by number one sexual abuse enabler for 45 years for ALL the Lamas: Pema Chodron and of course the Dalai Lama books.

This is what is being read by those liberal Progressives who consider themselves atheists, and non-conformists, while eschewing their former Christian morality and ethics: Tibetan Lamaist books that recommend girls as young as 8-years-old as sexual consorts.  Universities go right along because Chinese millions are so helpful for their endowments. And, we wonder why the Political Left Progressives and Hollywood are caught with their pants down with children.  Look no further.

By the way, Lama Tenzin, the Dalai Lama’s secretary, whose pretend firing for his dalliance and getting two million dollars from NXIVM, for his GodKing’s endorsement, was exonerated by  Dalai Lama. ( hard copies available, link disappeared) He is still pimping DL’s compassion-mongering, in DL’s other ‘government in exile”: California.

DL knows  bad news ALWAYS blows over for the Lamas, and Tenzin Dhondon can come back into the Kleptocracy fold.  He is still President of the Friends of the Dalai Lama.  DL and Lamas never get rid of great fundraisers. Because Lamas get away with all kinds of abuse what with Hollywood, the Progressive Democratic Party, Universities, and Main Stream Media watching their backs.

The Rigpa Organization’s Patrick Gaffney,  is carrying on the sexually abusive teachings of Lama Sogyal.  And, Mindfulness classes on- line, of course. What a perfect platform to lure new students into your sexually abusive medieval branch of the Lamas’ cult mission.  They haven’t been stopped.

Sogyal’s cult is still operating in New York City, and Washington D.C.; two of the most corrupt governments in the United States.

Wonder why nothing is done about sexual abuse and pedophilia, except for virtue signaling by Progressives in the Democratic Party?  The Republicans are not better; being attached to their Religious Freedom but no longer discriminating Progressive-supported Anti-Western Cults in their midst from the traditional religions these very cults are here to destroy; some with COMMUNIST CHINA’S SUPPORT TO BECOME THE SPEARHEAD OF THEIR ‘HARMONIOUS BUDDHIST MOVEMENT THROUGHOUT TH WORLD.   

The still idiots utiles of Shambhala International, Trungpa’s old students and their children, the most programmed of  ‘dharma brats’,  refuse to wake up. They drank ALL the kool-aid, and have invited the egregious sociopathic son of Trungpa, the Sakyong,  back into the fold to teach.  While the Fake News at the Washington Post,  the Dalai Lama and Shambhala’s propaganda mouthpiece, helps Pema Chodron  pretend she is contrite and left Shambhala. NEVER. She will do her damage from other venues, and her foundations, pretending to care about women’s issues, but with her vows to obey ALL her abusive Lamas intact, ‘or shrink to dust’. Pema has covered for these Lamas for 40 plus years.  She can’t stop. That is part of her ‘religious vows”: lying for the Lamas. They are enboldened by their corruption of most of our  Western institutions  thanks,  in part,  to their role in this chaotic mess: their  “no good no bad” Tantric Mindfulness.   

And, Trungpa’s ( and secretly, hidden-in-plain site, CCP-China’s) Naropa Institute, now Universitywith our tax dollars,  is still pumping out anti-American, Trungpa-mind-controlled, unwitting Manchurian candidates (who all believe they are not) in the psychology, arts, and other ‘soft science’ professions. 

The less naive are now scrubbing all their Lama connections off their CVs. But the internet has a long memory.   Always check  for these historical connections  of so many social workers, psychologists, and psychotherapists and psychiatrists ( graduating many hundreds a year for nearly fifty years, so there are a lot), and that is just the Naropa ones. 

They all believe they are ‘saving the world’ by being  “change agents to change the world.” as the Trungpa’s staff and administration tell them to do. They need to be ‘deprogrammed’ and counseled themselves. 

None are as confused as these western academics and psychologists, who call themselves ” contemplative’ (code for Tantra). Not one of these egregious, celebrities and their ‘practices’ and goals, are confronted,  such as Robert Thurman’s posts at NYTimes,  who believes Tibetan Lamas’ should be the prototype for a Globalist World Citizenship; an Adi-Buddha World Theocracy.  In other words, People worked and taxed to death, literally,  by their governments.  

Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence and C-Street Christians in Washington must agree, since they put these Tibetan Lamas’ “reincarnation monies”, a few million, into the last COVID relief bill.  Hey Pence, didn’t you know the #CCP ‘reincarnation’ was already recognized by both China and the Dalai Lama, and  didn’t you know the worst kind of ‘religious persecution” is using religion to justify sexual abuse of young girls, women and little boys?

These People Running our Governments are profoundly  Ignorant.  They must be too busy with insider trading and making personal financial deals with the West’s enemies. 

The Dalai Lama,  and his inner circle of Western academics around the Lamas, like Robert Thurman,  have controlled the narrative since the abuses of Sogyal of Rigpa, and Sakyong Mipham of Shambhala International hit the mainstream news  in 2017-2018.  As they did in 2011, 1996, and 1989-90.

Many are the same people who didn’t report this sexual abuse for over forty years.  Or attended the Kalachakra Events, to control Western minds, last given at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C.

 Thousands of Government representatives and beauracrats have been acting crazy and confused, ever since.  That’s what Tantra does.  That’s one door the CCP Chinese Communists came through:  The Tibetan Lamas.  Promoted as ‘promoting world peace’ the Kalachakra is really called the Wheel of Destruction”, whose final goal is the end of all Semitic Religions ( Christians, Jews and Muslims) so that an Adi-Buddha World can arise.  

The perfect religious corollary to Totalitarianism.  The new “secular spirituality’ as Oprah, Sam Harris (a Tibetan Lamaist fooling atheists into his cult religion),   and the Dalai Lama falsely call it,  since there is no separation of Church and State under the Lamas’  theocratic rule. 

Sexual abuse, in the name of cult religions, has made particularly women confused. MK-Ultra knew the power of pairing sexual abuse with Mind Control.

Cults cannot change from within. This one, the Dalai Lama’s Vajrayana Occult Lamaism, going by the name of ‘Buddhism’, with the most influence in our universities, needs now an outside  RICO Investigation into the whole hierarchy of lamas, and their western enabler, cult members, an army of them, who are boldly breaking the laws of western countries, and who  have gotten their still-fooled, western devotees to repeat:  “There is no overarching hierarchy in Tibetan Buddhism.”

Are you kidding? These Lamas have been working their students together, teaching at each other’s centers, sharing their western sexual consorts, for the last four decades. All are part of the Mind and Life Institute  of the Dalai Lama, even working with other Buddhist groups, like Zen and Theravada,  to try and bring them, and everyone else,  under the Lamaist ( and CCP-China’s) thumbs;  through this Gollum-like mindfulness movement.  

Hollywood,  Silicon Valley, Monarchies, and wealthy billionaires are along for the ride.  These are the Dalai Lama’s helpmates, to protect and enable him; his loyal ‘heart sons’  and the important celebrities, devotees and nuns, who keep the  gurus’ secrets and thus the sexual abuse intact;  Lamaism’s witting and unwitting change agents.

Once one realizes these are brainwashed cult members, or fringe fans,  or others whose careers in the Mindfulness Industry are part of the cover-up,  one no longer tries to engage. It is mostly a sad,  lost cause with  the die-hard deniers, who will stay and confuse the public, and  other potential whistle-blowers, until this whole stinking mess is crushed from the outside. More important to reach people not yet caught and warn them, if one can, about what Mindfulness does to a capture mind, over time.

These Tibetan lamas are laughing at these westerners and naive women, who think they are ‘outrageously’ calling out the abuse but never went to the police. And, looking to the same cookie-cutter Tibetan lamas for advice.  They were corraled into the ‘Buddhist’ Blog, ‘chat-all-you-energy’ away so we can complete our thorough and well tested cover-ups because, like the Democratic Party who loves abusers it seems, will not only NOT investigate them, but give them millions of dollars for their ‘fake reincarnation protection” when that Karmapa is already established as the Green New Deal’s “Eco-Karmapa.

All this chatting and blogging on Tibetan Buddhist sites?  For the  last three and a half years? Has been about saving the Dalai Lama and their cognitive dissonance, and their own Tibetan Lamaist tax-free centers and the many thousands of Tantric- influenced Mindfulness Centers and the thousands of spin-off non-profits, and charitable foundations and ‘educational departments’ within our increasingly insane universities, where free speech and a truly liberal education is a thing of the past.

I am appalled by the level of brainwashing of educated, upper-middle-class liberal women these days who, after years of these eastern influences,  have no idea how they are being spun and hung out to dry, over and over, to undermine their own freedoms by embracing medieval influences and Progressives with a very radical agenda that has nothing to do with Democracy and human rights, and who are walking us, no running us, over a Totalitarian cliff.

©  , December, 2021, Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A. G. S.

  •  took Vajrayana vows with at least seven different Lamas, who were all teaching at each other’s centers and told us the same scary fairytale that we were bound to ALL of them in Guru Mind and would go to vajra hell if we criticize a hair on their heads.  This is Totalitarianism and massive undue-influence  in a religious disguise, and the western enablers of these lamas, unwitting or not,  are still assuring that these despotic, atavistic and misogynistic Lamaist teachings come through in a ‘scientific disguise’ through the  Mind and Life Institute of the Dalai Lama; their flag-ship magazines, and their ‘academic’ papers.  Now, the lamas can convert the Chinese-speaking population in Communist China and China SAR to help fulfill the Globalist delusional dreams of these Tantric Lamas and their many western helpmates who started the whole thing, nearly three generations ago.  They have completed their work in the West.   The silent killer of a western civilization that no one is noticing.