The Dangers Of Mindfulness

I don’t think one needs to do hours of meditation, or join a mindfulness meditation group.  In fact,  that is a sure way to narrow one down, to make it so special it continues to fall through our grasping fingers.

When I was a Western Tibetan Buddhist, I  believed I was a student of the highest of Buddhist teachings. I was certainly a non-theist, in my mind, on an individual spiritual path, a diamond vehicle, that would lead to greater awareness and freedom.

While the Lamas,  and their occult teachings were busy undermining our democratic values;  our laws and ethics of ‘right and wrong’; altering our perceptions, and putting us all in a mindfulness trance. This was so we would be their “change agents”; helping them ‘transform us’ to change the world into  what they lost in Tibet: A theocratic arm of a despotic Tyrannical State.

Sociopathic billionaires and  arm-chair Marxist wealthy elite, a.k.a. Progressive Left and InSanity Hollywood were more than glad to oblige them. Making these occult dark- powered Lama clerics, ‘saints and avatars’ in the public’s eye. Meanwhile, the Lamas were abusing us, their students, inside their many-connected Lamaist groups ; for over fifty years.

This mindfulness meditation of Trungpa, and the Dalai Lama, and their many  medieval practices, were supposed to set us free.  Instead, over time, it enslaved us;  bonding us to the Lamas, and their Machiavellian ambitions,  who see themselves as ‘greater than Kings.”

The public does not know that the major proponents of this mindfulness movement,  being spread by the Dalai Lama and his academic coterie, change agents, and helpmates, are all part of a guru-worshiping cult of Tibetan/Indian Tantra, now hooked up with Communist China and its Buddhist Harmonious “Religious Arm of its Dictatorship, here to confuse and enthrall each generation, by stealth.   It hopes to destroy western democracies, over time. How? by dumbing people down and making them  rely on ‘feeling and opinions’ instead of logic and facts.

We are beginning to see the results of this spread of Tantra, and its undermining of being able to tell lies from the truth, and good from bad. It has spread its institutionalized pedophilia, sexual abuse, and more exploitation of women, while the enablers of the Tibetan lamas- the Western monks, nuns and western ‘teachers”  are calling this enabling of sexual abuse:  ‘enlightened feminism’ or ‘secular ethics’;   ‘secular spirituality’ ; or simply bringing ‘peace’ to the world.

How peaceful has the world become since these high priests of the occult, pretending to be humble and wise, came to our countries and spread their Tantra; disguised as the ‘highest of Buddhism?’

Here is one of the main enablers and beneficiaries of the Tibetan Lamaist largesse,  Tsultrim Alione,  –   displayed with the 17th Karmapawho has  rape charges in France,and in Taiwan, pushing the idea that ‘there is no gender”. Where it all started from; this  diabolical energy of confusion and chaos, of it all. It’s why the Tantric Lamas are so popular with transgenders these days,  making them emboldened and crazier, as it does to everyone under the Lamas’ Tantric spell.  

Tsultrim Allione was the main enabler who replaced Oprah’s Pema Chodron, so that Pema could pretend she was leaving the herd in disgust.  Don’t believe it for a moment.  They never leave, unless they leave the cult,  having woken up from their Dangerous Mindfulness-Occult Tantra trance.

It is horrible how deceptive (or still in dumb denial) these enabling women are: who, still in the Cult of The Lamas, PRETEND THEY ARE VOICES OF ENLIGHTENED FEMINISM!   These women are the dumbest but most dangerous women, inside the cult, because they are recruiting by total deceit that Tibetan Buddhism is about equality for women! No lies are too big, in service of their GURUS. 

I came to realize that all Tibetan lamas, whatever the sect [Gelugpa [Dalai Lama], Kagyu, Sakya and Nyingmapa, Bon) all teach from the same book; the same guru-worshiping plan. Whether the Lamas and their inner circle of ‘change agents” call it Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Shambhala, Vajrayana, or Mahayana Buddhism?   With the Lamas? It is all Tantra, that uses techniques and meditation practices to undermine a population’s ability to think for themselves, or to form discriminating judgments based on their own values of right and wrong.

They create obedient cult members, inside all their groups, who then go out as ‘professionals,’ to help the lamas’ perpetuate their androcentric world. They created hundreds of thousands of Mindfulness Meditation instructors, many licensed psychotherapists, sent out into the world, unknowingly confused and to confuse the world; to make it passive and irrational (and sometimes violent and crazy) to control the Western mind and subdue it. In order to let in elements that are destructive to the shared American values, ethics, and morals that this Republic depends upon from its citizens.

My own discoveries and experience, from my first mindfulness meditation weekend at a Shambhala center, through my next decades,  drawn deeper and deeper into the lamas’ Tantric net,  finally led me to an American town in Colorado, where the Tibetan lamas have joined forces with other spiritual groups and new age cults, to implement their model for The Green New Deal bolstered  by a ‘spiritualized’ world citizenship they have planned for all of us, one town and city at a time.

What I experienced in Baca-Crestone, Colorado, in the Southwest, United States, WHERE EVERYONE WAS MINDFULLY MEDITATING EVERY DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR, became the frightening catalyst that finally sprung me from the Tibetan Lama-led, New Age Tantric net, and compelled me to tell my story about being enthralled by these lamas who’ve enthralled the western world. Without them even knowing it.

There were many times, that my own natural compassion and joy would break through the rituals and mind-numbing control of the lamas, where I would find myself in a very natural state of openness, without the overlay of Lamaism and all its concepts, dogma and rituals; something universal that we all have access to, despite religion and gurus. A natural joy and openness to the world, whether we call it an experience of God, or don’t conceptualize it at all.

© Christine A. Chandler 2018


19 thoughts on “The Dangers Of Mindfulness”

  1. To Christine. I havent experienced direct sexsual abuse ore mindcontroll in the way you describe it. But what I have experienced is many of the Lamas use magic ore tantra to hurt people and sway them. That is very difficult to tell others about, cause in our moderne world things like “magic” dont exist. But I believe they do, and in Tibetan Buddhism, as well as some few other places they have knowledge of a science that would be a great benefit to humanity. But instead it is used for gaining power.

    I was never mindcontrolled in Tibetan Buddhism. Maybe because I read Buddhas teachings and in gennerel just always thought mostly everything said within the ranks of people in Tibetan Buddhism was very contradictory to themselves, their actions, Buddhas Words. Nothing really matches up.
    An example: This Guy Mathew something, an american Lama and Monk speak of compassion and indsigt, but when he speaks of people who have been abused and gone crazy ore other unfortunately people with mental health problems, it seems like he doesn’t know anything about compassion and he has very little insight into his own mind. Another very odd thing, is Lama Zopa that is so occupied with pets, and how to treat them and make sure they pass over well. You would think it is more importent how we treat each other as humans and understanding our own problems/ minds, “than dicussing little Bugs Bunny and how to make sure that in his next life he will step up and become and elephant”.

    1. I think it is important to remember that their ‘magic’ didn’t prevent the loss of their own country, or Trungpa dying of cirrhosis of the liver at 47 years old, or his Regent dying of AIDS, and killing one of the Shambhala dharma brats. These are con-artists, that have hooked up with the power and wealthy, for centuries. To do their bidding. They are cling-ons; a kleptocracy. What makes them dangerous, is that they attract the most corrupt and misogynistic fascist influences, left or right, in democratic nations who are their wealthy benefactors,supporters and enablers, since the days of the Khans and now Chinese Communist-corporate billionaires.

      1. Ah, magic, when you have a primitive mind instead of one with knowledge of scientific facts. Not any sort of “magic” has ever done anything effective because it’s not real. But for the superstitious however they think they can use “magic” to get the desired effects.

        And yeah it sure seems that Buddhism was branded and sold to the American people for anti-democratic reasons. I think the entire religion of Buddhism is fundamentally flawed in it’s shaming of the human animal.

  2. Ore maybe I did not experienced mindcontroll cause I was to emotionally abused to ever become a member of the group. I was send arround Tibetan Buddhist groups to ” get fixed” , by a member of HH the Dailai Lamas familly in Denmark. It is a real tragic and disgusting story.

    1. Signe, thank you for speaking up, here on Christine’s blog. I hope you check the replies to you. I offer you my support on your healing path. My husband and I had been ensnared for 14 years, and we also wrote a book on our experiences. I encourage you to tell your story, the time is now to reveal to the world the harm being done. Cheryl Lynne Rubbo.

  3. Do you all realize that mindfulness is used by the APA to treat addiction, anxiety and depression? It’s used as an alternative to harmful medications and has nothing to do with any of this. This is really harmful and fear mongering.

    1. Sounds like you haven’t investigated where the ‘mindfulness movement’ originated from. It started with Trungpa (of Shambhala scandalous fame these days) and two of his devotees, Adam Engle and Fracesca Varela, who then connected with the Dalai Lama and his Mind and Life Institute. Many of the Kagyu and Nyingmapa Lamas joined in, like Mingyur Rinpoche and Tsoknyi Rinpoche and of course all of Shambhala who proudly claim to be the originators. This form of meditation, now that it is being researched by real scientists, and not cult members of Shambhala and these other Tibetan Buddhist cults, ( Jon Kabat Zinn is part of the Dalai Lama’s Mind and Life Institute) is found to increase task focus, but not performance. Lots of studies are starting to come out; studies not done by cult members of an occult Tantric medieval religion, who don’t believe in facts or reason anymore. If the mindfulness roots are in this occult Tantra, and making people mindless over time, as it did to all of us, the original mindfulness experiment in these Tibetan Buddhist sanghas, it might not be such a good idea for the world:

      1. > found to increase task focus, but not performance

        That’s exactly why it’s being used as treatment for anxiety and depression, as t said. Rumination/dwelling and being unable to distract yourself from minor negative issues are HUGE in mental illness. The goal of treatment for mental illness isn’t to “increase performance”, it’s to get people to stop living in the past (over-rumination, self-loathing) and stop fearing the future (anxiety).

        You just listed the best reason it could be used, in the same breath as condemning it.

        1. My criticism comes from it resulting in a ‘state of mind’ that feels good, and becomes an addiction, because you have cut all thoughts including reasoning thoughts that you need to make judgments about all kinds of things. Many times for your own survival.

          Because it becomes an addiction, one does more and more of it, and this is always encouraged by organizations that are keeping you hooked for your money. Whether they are in a traditional Tibetan lama center, or in secular disguise, like MNDFL, which is a bunch of little greedy dharma brats from Shambhala, whose ethics have been nurtured in basically an amoral, sexually abusive environment, and abusive particularly to women. You are using a form of meditation, that originates from Lamaist Tantric Masters, and then Zen and Theravada joined in to help create their idea of a future Buddhocracy from the east to replace Western Judeao-Christian culture and traditional religions. They are a cult, Tibetan Lamaism, not just another Buddhist stream. And they are leading the mindfulness movement through their connections with the Dalai Lama’s Mind and Life Institute.

          Now, if you don’t think that is a problem, than I can also use an argument, that is based on my experience and research of thirty years in these groups, as I know what these people are ‘practicing’ while claiming they are ‘scientists’ and neuro-psychologists, and also being Vajrayana Tantric students, ( the new name for this is Dzogchen to make it sound not Tantra) who have taken vows, to the Dalai Lama, or any of these despotic lamas, who are now their vajra masters, so their studies would be, a priori, flawed.

          Because Tantric students, with PhDs, who are often doing this research, and doing mindfulness themselves, are taugh eventually to not to believe in facts; they don’t believe in scientific inquiry, they believe that subjective experiences should be given as much weight (really much more) than objective facts; again which they don’t believe in.

          It tells me that more and more neuropsychologists can’t separate fact,from fiction anymore. Do you know there was a big protest of neuroscientists against the Dalai Lama having his first Mind and Life Institute seminar at their annual conference?

          The woo woos won out.

          Now you have Sam Harris. Mr. Reason, as your representative, fooling you; one of the many PhDs along with Bob Thurman, and Richard Davidson. who are the Dalai Lama’s celebrity western surrogate ‘academics’ who no longer believe in reason or facts. His change agents.

    2. I would imagine that ‘contemplative psychologists’of Trungpa have weaseled their way into the APA.

  4. Ok Bruce,

    where did it begin?

    Please don’t say the buddha. Sham-blers are not taught about the concept of ‘buddha-nature’ Sure you may find a few who can give an explanation but it is not part and parcel of their teachings rather they embrace the concept , hear that ‘concept’ of basic goodness and never admit this as an hegelian dialectic of their misunderstood concept of ‘original sin’.

  5. I am surprised at how “mindfulness” has become such a thing. As a “practice”, It’s barely there in the sutras. The Satipatthana sutra just sort of mentions being aware of your body, thoughts, and emotions. As a single rather small entry among the volumes of texts that have been passed down from the early Buddhists, that’s nothing.

    Buddhism, in all its flavors, is marketed as a means of ameliorating the suffering of the practitioner. Compassion itself, and empathy, on the other hand, have as their concern the suffering of those around us, and those who we may recall.

    Personally, I see that as a terrible divide. Obviously (from the story as we know it), it was empathy — and uncommon empathy — that fueled Buddha’s initial investigations.

    Modern “Mindfulness” practices fall decidedly on one side of this divide. Its focus is purely personal quietude.

    It may “help” one continue difficult life engagements/circumstances. It may “help” alcoholics keep their mind off drinking, for example. It may “help” someone continue showing up to an unfulfilling job every day. It may even “help” a soldier do what soldiers have to do, under the authoritarian military system.

    OK. But so what? What does that have to do with what Buddha did?


    If anyone reading this thinks I’m wrong, you are taking the position that you might have taught “mindfulness” to the young Gautama to “help” him when he expressed unease after witnessing the suffering of those outside his fathers’ compound. You are saying this. You are saying you might have “helped” him keep his mind off of such things, and to instead concentrate on his toes and bellybutton, and that there is no point in entertaining the questions that riddled him.

    Maybe, if you were there, you might have convinced the guy, and he might have accepted his role as a supporter of his new family, and his fortunate position as mercantile nobleman. And maybe you would have helped the guy fit comfortably into his given life, to age and die comfortably within the walls of his father’s compound, without a further unsettling thought about what lay outside the walls.

    Good for you.

    Lucky you weren’t there.

    Mindfulness teachers seem to think that enlightenment equals an unquestioning acceptance of surrounding social structures and norms, and a complete, perfect, adoption of same. This what is taught by modern Buddhists. It is no wonder this teaching is prevalent in cult settings. It amounts to “be a good German”.

    This is what is lauded as divine, by therapists.

  6. How could the Buddha teach about “guru devotion” and tibetan tantric deities in the first place? These are two aspects that were obviously added from the practices that occured in Tibet at the time that the Buddha’s teachings entered the country. Unfortunately, these two are the main practices in what is referred to as tibetan “buddhism” – a bizarre mixture of bon and ritualistic magic.
    Also, how is it possible for these lamas to preach about “humility” and “modesty” when in their own sanghas they are ranking people, using strong discrimination based on titles, sitting on velvet thrones and conditioning access to the Buddha’s teachings?

    I’d love to hear your comments on these two points, Christine.

  7. Hi Emily:

    The Buddha as you must realize never talked about Guru Devotion. As you say, the version of Buddhism in Tibet was a mixture of Chan Buddhism, that was not friendly to a middle-class either but was not as vile a concoction as what was occurring in Tibet with its Bon occult and Hindu Tantric cult influences from India. Nor was it friendly to women’s rights. But these sexually obsessed priests of Tantra, the lamas, brought it to a whole new level and made their own enlightenment tied into using young girls and young females for their sexualized cult religion that believes in medieval alchemy from the Hindu yogis and sorcerors; that you can change a Lamas semen, mixed with female material fluids in the sexual act, and by withholding ejaculation change it to an immaterial elixir that a lama can shoot up to the back of his head for a Hindu Tantric Shakti experience of enlightenment. This view is straight from the 8th century of Hindu yogis sadhus and sorcerors. Like Tilopa and Milarepa. The Tibetan lamas all still believe this. So do their delusional cult members, many with higher degrees, who are equally regressed.

    As for their being humble and being on thrones? All part of the ‘double-bind messaging that is all part of the brainwashing in these cult groups; i.e., two messages given at the same time that freezes a part of the brain that must make a choice and might stay instead in a form of limbo, believing two things at once: i.e., the lamas are humble but are on thrones and are called ‘precious ones’ what ‘Rinpoche’ after their names means. They have many double messages like these. To keep people paralyzed and confused.

  8. I think what you say is true, Christine.

    The Buddha strived to convey the message that enlightenment is possible at any time, for everyone.

    The trouble with Tibetan Buddhism is that they’re obsessed with power roles, with who’s “high” and who’s “low”, roles which the lamas are in a positionof labeling. I think they took the teachings of the Buddha and simply adapted them in such a way as to become a tool for maintaining a hierarchical system.

    So, only those supposed to control are deemed to have “high” “realizations”, or to be “holy beings”, whereas Westerners are simply milking cows that need to be kept in this position, and, therefore, they are “low” and “ordinary”. Walk in any Tibetan Buddhist gompa and you’ll see a pompous trone on which a Tibetan lama is seated, just to show how “high”and “holy” he is. This is so cut off from the Buddha’s teaching it’s unbievable! If you go to other Mahayana schools, such as Zen, there’s no room at all for glamour: everything is so simple, the teacher is just an elder to be respected, there are no gurus and the root of the path is buddha nature, not guru devotion.

    So, yes, after witnessing Tibetan Buddhism I can say that their ambition in the West is definitely not to help people realize enlightenment, but to construct the same pyramidal system they had in their country, unfortunately using the Dharma as a tool to do so. It’s crazy how many adults I’ve seen acting like 12 year olds in the presence of the “lamas” – it’s simply a culture of low self esteem, of domineer and dominated.

    1. Yes, it can be said, from many perspectives now, that embracing this Tibetan Lamaism as “Buddhism” is disastrous, and could happen because Westerners know so little about Tibetan Lamas, or Buddhism in general. Non-discriminating consumers. Joining a Lama cult will make you, quickly, obsequious; lacking in confidence; double-binded and repressing your discriminatory judgements ( Mindfulness the first cult technique, teaches you not to judge); unless you are in the inner circle, and then you are delusionally confident and feeling special; close to enlightenment, but the most slavish to the Lamas. It destroys western and ethical values and we can see its influence all over the world, now. It makes people passive, stupid, and non-discriminatory about lies and the truth and what is good or bad, for oneself and one’s nation. That’s why I keep writing about it. I want people to connect the dots and how these Lamas have given a ‘compassionate face’ to what are increasinly Totalitarian policies around the world. Hong Kong and Taiwanese Leadership complicit with China, willing to give up their sovereignty and vestiges of democracy? The Lamas were there first, preparing the ground for the CCP Chinese just like they do in every country they first INVADE. They are not refugees, they are the perpetrators of a cruel theocracy. They really fooled the Whole World.

  9. If this is the same “mindfulness” other Western Buddhist groups teach, i.e. letting any thought into your mind and not judging the thoughts, this method is teaching people to allow inceeasing amounts of intrusive thoughts into their mind. Nobody who has reached adulthood should be able to fall for it, but then again atheists probably nevwr learned how to get rid of intrusive thoughts becauae unlike Christians they were never told in church that they should, and Catholics are perhaps disadvantaged here too since Catholicism preaches none of the Bible, so “taking captive every thought etc.” verse would never be preach3d on. No Prot who reaches adulthood should fall for it. That judging thoughts is how you get rid of intrusive thoughts for good would be obvious to anyone raised as a good Prot. Now its also the opposite of what Buddha taught, as in the 8 fold noble path one of the planks is literally judging thoughts(!) in such a way to abandon any evil thought and prevent its arising and encourage good thoughts to arise and that have arisen(!)…so reading the suttas is also a defence against this retarded fake “mindfulness.”

    1. Actually, in this Mindfulness of the Tantra lineage, which is where all this explosion of the Mindfulness brand is coming from; most people eventually let go of all thoughts after a while, effortlessly, which leaves you in a form of fragmented, hope and fear limbo. Beside yourself, but more internal and self-obsessed with your purity, your enlightenment. While the Lamas and inner circle are doing anything they want with the slaves and house slaves waiting on them hand and foot. The beginnings of the obsession about ‘enlightenment”. From which some people go crazy from even a few months of Mindfulness meditation at a center. There was always someone running away from Karme Choling, going bonkers up in the Vermont woods, or going crazy on retreat.

      It takes an already reasoning mind, that is sane to begin with, to become one of the many Lama’s western change agents. Slowly boiled like a frog. It is such a unique form of mind control over time. The Lamas wanted us to be acceptable to the educated, and preferably wealthier liberal middle-class. To attract them into the Tantric net which is so hard to escape. So, they created fragmented minds that could believe UTTER nonsense, while appearing to the world to be exceptional wise. Like Sam Harris. For example. Like Tulsi Gabbard, a Hindu Tantric Marxist. Tibetan Lamas are the worst, because they have been allowed to conflate Buddhist principles with their dark occult magic that has brought whole nations to their knees. Mongolia? The Khans? They became devotees of the Lamas. TO TAME THE HORDES THEY HAD CONQUERED. CCP CHINA Remembers well.

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