
The Dangers Of Mindfulness

I don’t think one needs to do hours of meditation, or join a mindfulness meditation group.  In fact,  that is a sure way to narrow one down, to make it so special it continues to fall through our grasping fingers.

When I was a Western Tibetan Buddhist, I  believed I was a student of the highest of Buddhist teachings. I was certainly a non-theist, in my mind, on an individual spiritual path, a diamond vehicle, that would lead to greater awareness and freedom.

While the Lamas,  and their occult teachings were busy undermining our democratic values;  our laws and ethics of ‘right and wrong’; altering our perceptions, and putting us all in a mindfulness trance. This was so we would be their “change agents”; helping them ‘transform us’ to change the world into  what they lost in Tibet: A theocratic arm of a despotic Tyrannical State.

Sociopathic billionaires and  arm-chair Marxist wealthy elite, a.k.a. Progressive Left and InSanity Hollywood were more than glad to oblige them. Making these occult dark- powered Lama clerics, ‘saints and avatars’ in the public’s eye. Meanwhile, the Lamas were abusing us, their students, inside their many-connected Lamaist groups ; for over fifty years.

This mindfulness meditation of Trungpa, and the Dalai Lama, and their many  medieval practices, were supposed to set us free.  Instead, over time, it enslaved us;  bonding us to the Lamas, and their Machiavellian ambitions,  who see themselves as ‘greater than Kings.”

The public does not know that the major proponents of this mindfulness movement,  being spread by the Dalai Lama and his academic coterie, change agents, and helpmates, are all part of a guru-worshiping cult of Tibetan/Indian Tantra, now hooked up with Communist China and its Buddhist Harmonious “Religious Arm of its Dictatorship, here to confuse and enthrall each generation, by stealth.   It hopes to destroy western democracies, over time. How? by dumbing people down and making them  rely on ‘feeling and opinions’ instead of logic and facts.

We are beginning to see the results of this spread of Tantra, and its undermining of being able to tell lies from the truth, and good from bad. It has spread its institutionalized pedophilia, sexual abuse, and more exploitation of women, while the enablers of the Tibetan lamas- the Western monks, nuns and western ‘teachers”  are calling this enabling of sexual abuse:  ‘enlightened feminism’ or ‘secular ethics’;   ‘secular spirituality’ ; or simply bringing ‘peace’ to the world.

How peaceful has the world become since these high priests of the occult, pretending to be humble and wise, came to our countries and spread their Tantra; disguised as the ‘highest of Buddhism?’

Here is one of the main enablers and beneficiaries of the Tibetan Lamaist largesse,  Tsultrim Alione,  –   displayed with the 17th Karmapawho has  rape charges in France,  pushing the idea that ‘there is no gender”. Where it all started from; this  diabolical energy of confusion and chaos, of it all. It’s why the Tantric Lamas are so popular with transgenders these days,  making them emboldened and crazier, as it does to everyone under the Lamas’ Tantric spell.  

Tsultrim Allione was the main enabler who replaced Oprah’s Pema Chodron, so that Pema could pretend she was leaving the herd in disgust.  Don’t believe it for a moment.  They never leave, unless they leave the cult,  having woken up from their Dangerous Mindfulness-Occult Tantra trance.

It is horrible how deceptive (or still in dumb denial) these enabling women are: who, still in the Cult of The Lamas,  PRETEND THEY ARE VOICES OF ENLIGHTENED FEMINISM!   These women are the dumbest  but most dangerous women inside the cult,  because they are recruiting by deceit. 

I came to realize that all Tibetan lamas, whatever the sect [Gelugpa [Dalai Lama], Kagyu, Sakya and Nyingmapa)  all teach from the same book; the same guru-worshiping plan. Whether the Lamas and their inner circle of ‘change agents” call it Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Shambhala, or Mahayana Buddhism?   it is all Tantra, that uses techniques and meditation practices to undermine a population’s ability to think for themselves, or to form discriminating judgments based on their own values of right and wrong.

They create obedient cult members inside all their groups, who then go out as ‘professionals’ to help the lamas’ perpetuate their androcentric world. They created hundreds of thousands of Mindfulness Meditation instructors sent out into the world to confuse it; to make it passive and irrational (and sometimes violent and crazy) to control the Western mind and subdue it. In order to let in elements that are destructive to American values.

My own discoveries and experience, from my first mindfulness meditation weekend at a Shambhala center, through my next decades,  drawn deeper and deeper into the lamas’ Tantric net,  finally led me to an American town in Colorado, where the Tibetan lamas have joined forces with other spiritual groups and new age cults, to implement their model for The Green New Deal bolstered  by a ‘spiritualized’ world citizenship they have planned for all of us, one town and city at a time.

What I experienced in this tiny town, Crestone, Colorado,  in the Southwest United States, became the frightening catalyst that finally sprung me from the Tibetan lamas’ Tantric net, and compelled me to tell my story about being enthralled by these lamas who have now enthralled the western world.

There were many times, that my own natural compassion and joy would break through the rituals and mind-numbing control of the lamas, where I would find myself in a very natural state of  openness, without the overlay of Lamaism and all its concepts, dogma and rituals; something universal that we all have access to,  despite religion and gurus. A  natural joy and openness to the world,  whether we call it an experience of God, or don’t label it at all.

Enlightenment, I learned, was not profound, but simple, something we all experience, particularly as children before we labeled things. It might be following the breath to relax ( again, done for a short while, and NOT in Mindfulness groups) , or listening to the wind in the trees, watching dogs at play, listening to a great piece of classical music, watching the clouds in the sky, being woken up by a bird’s song. It can be  anything that connects us back to being present and natural and ordinary world;  which connects us with something profound.

© Christine A. Chandler 2018