This Sexual Abuser Hollywood Doesn’t Want You To See

Sogyal Rinpoche: “Harvey Weinstein has nothing on this person,” says one of his former students.Why is the mainstream media ignoring this Elephant in the Room?

Is it because, once they peel the curtain back on this little sexually abusive, the late predator Lama,  Lama Sogyal Rinpoche, best friend of the Dalai Lama and his major benefactor, helping to spread Mindfulness throughout the West, the whole edifice of deception, corruption, cover-ups of  institutional sexual abuse, and Shangri-la pretenses will be exposed?

Never mind that these Tibetan lamas have fooled a large part of the Western psychology profession, most  all of journalism, and certain parts of academia as well as CEO’s of major corporations.  Those who also want to jump on the billion-dollar Mindfulness bandwagon; the first cult technique these Tibetan lamas used to get us to think as a herd.

Perhaps it is also because the  news media coverage, for the last twenty-five years, of  Saint Dalai Lama, keeper of slaves and life-time serfs less than sixty years ago, is one of the icons of the Hollywood jet-set, certain politicians like Nancy Pelosi,  Congressman Tim Ryan,  academics, like Uma’s dad- Robert Thurman,  and such Hollywood stars, as Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Scarlett Johansson, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Sharon Stone, the list goes on and on,  who will now be seen, not just as  enablers of Weinstein, but also of the Tantric cult of Tibetan Lamaism and its Tantra that has infused Hollywood with its amorality and  sexual abuse for the last four decades, given it permission for their long history of accepting this behavior as ‘normal.’


Hollywood and Tantric Sex
Richard Gere with not one, but two Sexually Abusive Tantric Lamas

It was not so long ago, that  Trungpa fooled our sixties generation, with the help of  rock and roll stars, and Allen Ginsberg, modern poet extraordinaire of the Howl, and member of NAMBLA. Ginsberg also controlled the narrative of how these Tibetan Lamas were to be seen by the public, for the next forty-plus years.

Marxists have been in collusion with the lamas, as well,  for a very long time.  As have certain institutions on the right, of the C-Street variety. The Dalai Lama boldly sends messages of being a friend to democracy to every President since his “escape” from China. But declares himself a Marxist in India.

 Australian CEOs in the article link above are now questioning the wisdom of having Lama  Sogyal of Rigpa, the Dalai Lama’s best friend all these years, who has been their icon for mindfulness meditation  at the workplace.  They are not willing to cover-up for his sexual abuse and demeaning and degrading of women, his keeping a harem, just as Chogyam Trungpa did but it was ignored, and his Tantra was allowed to spread. Thanks to Hollywood giving him a featured role in Little Buddha  with Keanu Reeves.

Isn’t it time we peeled the whole onion back to see part of what’s at the core of  this sexual abuse and confusion about right and wrong?

Nancy Pelosi goes to the Dalai Lama for advice, and gets crazier every year;   Tim Ryan, groomed to take her place, writes a book about Tantric Mindfulness for a Mindless nation  and called:  Mindfulness Nation .

Ryan hangs out with Lama Sogyal’s friend,  Lama Tsoknyi who is Sogyal’s strongest supporter and pal.

Tim Ryan and Lama Tsoknyi, speak together about Global Warming.  Tsoknyi surely helped Ryan write his book and Tim Ryan helps Lama Tsoknyi pretend he is a ‘scientific lama’ who also can bless books to make them understandable and can infuse statues with living mojo inside his cult groups of western followers around the world, and now in Asia, fooling the Han and Chan Buddhists that he is teaching what the Buddha taught when it is Tantra and its institutionalized sexual abuse and Lamaist corruptions.

 The occult, crazy-making Tantra of Tibetan Lamas  has been infusing Hollywood, Journalism, Academia, Psychology, Third-wave Feminism, and the Entertainment Industry and Left-Wing Politics, for the last forty years.  Recently, we have been seeing its results implode as the sexual abuses of celebrities and journalists, politicians makes explosive media news.

 Chogyam Trungpa, the Tantric Lama darling of the sixties Drugs, Rock and Roll crowd was the first Tibetan Lama to illegally keep a harem of sexual consorts on American soil. His Regent gave his students AIDS, with unprotected sex, but was never criminally charged. Instead he was allowed to brainwash his students into believing this was ‘openness’ and freedom, on the way to the realization of a non-duality mind.  They  have reinvented his ‘lineage’ along the coast of Maine, to turn that State back into Massachusetts.

 “Democracy was a failed experiment” said Trungpa’s mouthpiece, Ginsberg, who believed a totalitarian dictatorship of Tribal warlords would be so much better.  Contemplative Psychotherapy Embraces Medieval Sexual Abusers.

Serial sexual abuser of hundreds of Western women, the Tibetan Tantric cult devotees of Trungpa, with their polished academic degrees, are now bringing us the ‘mindfulness movement ‘ started by Trungpa, into our companies, our campus colleges, even ‘third-wave gender studies programs, and through their new ‘contemplative psychotherapy’ group practices. The same mindfulness practices that made them think as a herd.

Time to unpeel the whole onion and get to the core of what has been making the West crazy, immoral and stupid: the civilization jihad that comes with a smiling face and a Lamaist peaceful facade. 

Sexual Abuse by Dalai Lama's Best Friend Lama
Hollywood’s Next Shoe to Drop: Tibetan Tantra and its Sexual Abuse that has informed Hollywood for the past twenty-five years.
Richard Gere Discovered Tantra And Then Helped Spreads it All Over Hollywood and the West

“Sogyal Rimpoche. who is a good friend of mine, has been a very good person as he has introduced me with so many great masters and extraordinary teachers in Asia and other countries.

He is a very simple human being with a vast knowledge on Buddhism. Me talking about Buddhism in front of him would be a little embarrassing, I would feel myself as a parrot as I can only recite what I have learnt. But to be frank, I am not a great practitioner. But one thing is that I have truly generated respect and love for Dharma.”  Richard Gere

More on Sogyal Rinpoche from French Newspapers (being suppressed by mainstream news here):


3 thoughts on “This Sexual Abuser Hollywood Doesn’t Want You To See”

  1. The behavior of certain Tibetan lamas, as well as some Zen roshis, has indeed been reprehensible. The recent Shambhala exposé is the latest sorry example. Prior to these scandals were those of the numerous Hindu gurus who came to the West and could not keep their hands to themselves…in fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find an Indian guru gone westward who did NOT abuse his power. And we know about the many sad stories from children who’ve been abused by Christians, most notably by the Roman Catholics.

    However, I can’t accept your premise that the entire Vajrajana system is rotten to the core. Teachers like Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, with whom you may be familiar due to your involvement in Chogyam Trungpa’s group, has a spotless reputation. There are others in the tradition who have done very good work. The Dalai Lama did denounce Sogyal Rinpoche in 2017. You could say that he could have spoken up earlier, but lack or prior announcements does not implicate him in the scandal. I think it’s safe to say that the Dalai Lama has led a pretty scandal-free life. I don’t agree with everything he says. He is a religious leader, after all, and has some traditional beliefs, such as the idea that homosexuality is bad.

    There are scoundrels everywhere, and most of them are men, frankly. I can understand your point of view regarding Tibetan Buddhism. We all form opinions based on our experiences. My experiences with the path have been good ones; yours have not. Abusive behavior is abhorrent and needs to be exposed, so I am glad you have made the effort to do so on this website.

  2. For years the Dalai Lama was on the payroll. No pay no play. Organizations don’t pay for something and receive nothing in return. This expose is about sham-bhala and not all the evils of the world.

    1. Why do westerners have such a hard time sticking to facts and not going full out sensationalist? If you want to be credible, stop extrapolating into things that clearly make no sense.

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