Boulder Shambhala

Wrongful Death Lawsuit of Naropa Dance Student Upheld


Trungpa’s Tantric College in America to Spread his Cult Teachings and Programming in the United States

EXCLUSIVE: Heartbroken father wins wrongful death lawsuit against Japanese ‘death dance cult leader’ who made 32-year-old daughter his ‘sex slave and plied her with mind-bending drugs’ that drove her to suicide

  • Tibor Stern won a wrongful death lawsuit after a six-year legal battle against Katsura Kan, who he accused of driving daughter Sharon to suicide in 2012
  • Kan is a Japanese citizen who was teaching Butoh, a dance in which students are told to ‘wallow in the darkness of their soul’ at a college in Colorado 
  • He was found liable by a Florida circuit court in March after he failed to attend a summary judgment via telephone; Damages have yet to be determined
  • Butoh features slow, controlled movements and is traditionally performed in white body makeup, it also portrays grotesque imagery or absurd environments
  • Sharon met Kan when she enrolled in the master of fine arts program at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado in 2007 
  • ‘Kan intentionally and/or recklessly inflicted emotional pain and suffering on Sharon from the day he met her until the day she died’ according to Tibor’s suit 
  • Tibor claims Kan ‘seduced Sharon, abused her physically and mentally, humiliated her, insulted her, and manipulated her’  
  • He added: ‘I’m a very loving father and she was my best friend. I know who she was. I know what she became. The man needed to be found guilty’

From the Daily Mail Article Updated April 9th, 2019  by Donna Anderson for the Daily Mail.


prayer flags on Shambhala Day

“Naropa University has over 6,500 alumni that are leaders in their fields, entrepreneurs, healers, educators, and innovators. They start businesses, nonprofits, private practices, and innovative community organizations. They show up differently in their fields because they (sic) unshakeable and grounded while exuding compassion and non-judgment for others. As an alum of Naropa, you shared a journey that shaped who you are today – and who you are in the world. We invite you to stay engaged with the Naropa community and join us for Community Practice Day,  Shambhala Day, Community Week, and various events and receptions throughout the year. As unique as our alumni are, they each share one powerful commitment: “to meet the world as it is and change it for the better.” Explore resources, ways to connect, and share your story with us through the links above. ” From Naropa’s Website. 2019

Thousands of Trungpa’s Naropa graduates,  with their  ‘soft science’ careers and/or tenured professorships at Colleges and Universities;  Journalist Schools;  Environmental Programs and Environmental and International Law; Harvard Divinity and Religious Studies,  and most particularly Psychology programs to help promote Shambhala International and its Tantric, chaotic and undemocratic influence on American soul.

Naropa’s motto, for all who enter its Tantric halls, promoted as just a liberal institution, is to be “Change Agents to Change The World.”

Naropa was set up by  Chogyam Trungpa, and his Karma Kagyu Lamas,  to infiltrate through psychology, psychotherapy, religious studies,  academia, the arts, and create graduates under ‘undue influence’ of his cult; without being aware that they, too, were part of the Plan.  Just as much as the more active, die-hard cult Vajrayana members, who took vows to these despots on thrones.

Katsura Kan, and his cult of Butoh Death Dance, a very Tantric-influenced cult, would have been like a bee to honey finding Naropa’s attitude to ‘crazy gurus’.

This is because the earliest and most fanatic cult devotees of Trungpa run the place. They learned first-class trickery from master tricksters: Lamas like Trungpa; the master trickster of them all.  His early devotee cult members have been training thousands of unwitting change agents for this late Warlord from Kham who are now in our psychotherapy clinics, in the arts, in gender studies departments, in prestigious Divinity Schools across our nation.  Spreading  this medieval doctrine, as secular, liberal and ‘compassionate’  to new, vulnerable college students they recruit.

These harem-keeping ‘no-good-no bad’ chaos-creating early cult members of Trungpa were the most thought-controlled of all;  to help him undermine our Western democracy: Trungpa’s explicit goal with his ‘advanced’ Shambhala change-agent students.

I was one of them.  I took that vow; ‘to perpetuate’  Trungpa’s medieval world. All of Naropa is still staffed and administered by these early cult members; his first inner circle.

So Naropa University didn’t think anything was wrong when a  Japanese guru ( a ‘visiting’  Naropa teacher on staff for eight years)  tortured and drugged and abused and eventually caused the death of this beautiful young dance student; a daughter, a sister, and a friend.

They looked the other way. Like they always do. But, fortunately, the public and our legal system weren’t cult-influenced by Trungpa and Tantra and didn’t look the other way. Katsura Kan has just been found guilty of contributing to the wrongful death of  Sharon Stern.

Naropa Institute has been one of the main enablers of  ‘Crazy Wisdom’ gurus like Katsura Kan.  Con Artists, and Abusers.  Like Chogyam Trungpa;  and Trungpa’s Regent, who also could do what he wanted, even if it killed students, too.  And Trungpa’s son, biting and abusing and sexually exploiting hundreds of female students. Many Tibetan Lamas on the prowl  have taught at Naropa.

That this is a Tantric cult being run out of Naropa Institute ( now University) under the Karma Kagyu Lama hierarchical Theocracy of despotic Tibetan gurus on Thrones, influencing our American sons and daughters and getting Federal Grants, i.e., our tax dollars, to exist to abuse ‘another day’ is little known. Trungpa’s  early students are experts at keeping secrets; having taken vows to do so to their first guru.

What I find still shocking is how much cognitive dissonance strategies are being used to deny, obscure and hold onto this cult of Tantric Lamaism by those who believe they are addressing the problem while still under the Lamaist hierarchy’s thumbs. They refuse to believe that all these Lamas operate as One. Fooling Westerners over and over and over again. They cannot accept that they are still in the cult of Lamaism when they continue to         stay  in its Tantric net. They are addicts  who still need a guru fix. It is sad and disheartening to see, after all this exposed abuse. That they remain enablers of Lamaism’s institutional abuse by not letting it go is hard to watch. Since this abuse cannot be changed while still in the cult of the Lamas.

Naropa University has its influences in big business, with many enablers outside of the cult, such as  in Boulder, Colorado and at the University of Colorado. Not to mention the billion-dollar Mindfulness commodity, started by two Naropa students and the Dalai Lama,  So, it is not surprising that there is ambivalence and mostly silence in addressing Naropa being complicit with guru abuses.

Naropa, after years of disassociating from Trungpa, is now creating a Chogyam Trungpa Institute within Naropa to teach Trungpa’s medieval Tantra unashamedly again. These Naropa staff and administrators have no shame.  I believe Trungpa’s  inner circle watched and waited and saw how these women who were abused, could be confused again, easily, and that the whistle-blowers were few.

Because, to whistle-blow and truly be a survivor (not just clamoring to take a settlement and sign a non-disclosure agreement with the billion-dollar corporation that is  Tibetan  Lamaism, and the secrets will be kept)  you cannot be part of this overarching, highly organized, multi-sect lineage of the Tibetan Lamist cult anymore. Not in any way. You can’t go off with other Lamas recommended by the Lamaist hierarchy to keep you still in the sticky net.  You must leave your cult friends still in it in any way. Because they can’t be trusted. They are still under the spell. Unable to call the root of the problem out. This is one big Lama cult and that is what has to be seen to be free.

But, winning this Wrongful Death Lawsuit? This threw a wrench in the cover-up mix of Naropa and Shambhala International, and all the  Tibetan Lamas and their damage control plans.  Winning this ‘wrongful death suit’ is Big.  It should have happened thirty years ago when Trungpa’s Regent caused a wrongful death. He was the President of Naropa around this time and a sadistic guru who slept with hundreds of mostly heterosexual male students while knowing he had AIDS.

AIDS was just a concept to this cult bunch and still is. Even when a young dharma brat died.

It took thirty years, for finally a wrongful death suit to be won. It is a start.

When I look out at both these Sharia Islamist and Tibetan Lamaist devotees now? I see  female enablers who would rather be in a sexually, misogynistic cult, then face the truth of their having been in a cult;  enabled the cult;  and refuse to do the hard work of coming out.

Some of them still in the Tibetan Lamaist cult are getting book deals to promote the Dalai Lama’s innocence in all this, and the protection of their own guru Lamas.  They want the public to think Sogyal, and Trungpa, and his son are just ‘exceptions.’ And,  how there is ‘no overarching hierarchy’ of Tibetan Lamaism, a.k.a. ‘Buddhism’ even though they watched as the Lamas of other lineage sects sexually shared their daughters and friends.

It is more important to save Tibetan Lamaism, and Tantric factories like Naropa University, than their sons and daughters from abuse.

And I extrapolate this cult-like behavior to the Progressives who are the Hard Left’s les idiots utile du systeme.  These populations overlap, since Allen Ginsberg days. They don’t care about boundaries, either. Or right or wrong. The end always justifies the means to their similar Utopian dream: The destruction of a Western Democracy by stealth.

Neither do  Tibetan Lamaists care about the boundaries of women, westerners or other Democratic nations that have supported them, gave them refuge.  They have no concept of these things. So Katsura Kan fit right in.  They don’t care about women or boundaries or a democracy of free people, or thinking for yourself.

Tantra is a misogynistic nightmare for women, and Katsura Kan exposed it for what it is.

So,  this is really about cults in our midst.  Whether religious or political.  And warning people when they have dangerously merged.

And the psychologists and anti-cult groups who do nothing about it?  Don’t call it out?  Don’t want to know? Don’t want to see?  Are in their Mindfulness groups?  They aren’t going to rock the boat. They went along with the “new religious movement’ politically correct label that allowed these groups to become wealthy cult ‘Churches’ with no transparency.    How many of these Tantric psychotherapists and Hard Left Progressive academics,  in collusion with these Eastern cults, have infiltrated into Anti-Cult groups?   They have infiltrated everywhere else.  It wouldn’t be the first time that cult-apologists have infiltrated anti-cult groups to weaken them. Fortunately, F.A.C.T is not one of them and calls a Cult a Cult when it is the Elephant in the room.

Winning this suit is a big victory; One of the many to come, we hope.

Christine A. Chandler ©   April 14, 2019








11 thoughts on “Wrongful Death Lawsuit of Naropa Dance Student Upheld”

  1. The entire philosophy of Buddhism is built on a flawed foundation, the concept of the so-called “enlightened” which is just disassociation and even psychosis. I think Buddha himself was benevolent but being raised with Hindu superstition he didn’t know any better. But modern-day Westerners believing in this silly “enlightenment” nonsense is really a sign of a sickness in our society. We have the scientific method now and yet instead of acknowledging it’s achievements-have mediation and prayer ever showed someone how a black hole looks like? No it took the scientific method and scientists and computers-these anti-rationalist types searching for “enlightenment” instead trash the scientific method and help bring society back to the Dark Ages.

    Buddhism is really a sinking ship. Oh, and Islam is too, it just doesn’t know it yet. As the “enlightenment” treadmill leaves a trail of sexual abuse and disillusionment the flaws of Buddhism become apparent. But there might be one thing Buddha got right: All life is suffering. The rest of Buddhism, trash that has no place in society. But life really is a horror when you look at it. A very profound statement. You can still see the knowledge in that one sentence even while knowing that what came afterwards was a religion of millennia of sexual abuse and the obsession over “enlightenment” being put above compassion for other people and the mental toll of the idiotic abstinence in the search for “enlightenment” caused so-called “monks” to live double lives.

    I don’t see why someone SHOULDN’T be afraid to have some sex, as long as it’s consensual. But Buddhism idiotically demonizes sex and enables sexual predators with the ego-boosting act of wearing clothing indicating some “enlightenment”. In my view, as long as it’s consensual, it’s fine. Being proud in never following any religion in my life I am lucky to have never been convinced to shame my own natural sexual desires, whilst tens of millions trapped in lecherous snakes of religious systems such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism were shamed for their natural sexual desires and suffered the consequences.

    These so-called “enlightened” folks seem to exploit the superstition and desperation of their followers. These people who end up searching for “enlightenment” or “peace” should first get professional help. People, help is out there. Do NOT use meditation or prayer or other practices as a replacement for therapy, only as a supplement. But no instead of getting help from someone who actually knows how to help someone they instead join these cult groups where they willingly turn themselves into slaves for these narcissistic monks and gurus.

    Excellent post as always!

  2. I asked myself the same question. To me it was like a koan. I think the question can be multifold and I enjoy that potential. People on a diet have a relationship with food and similarly atheists often have a complicated relationship with religion. Agnostics less so. Atheists I’ve met often have a sense of completion of thought. Often arriving ,curiously enough, with confidence during the formative years of anchoring foundations in identity. Why stop the openness ; even Cern hasn’t arrived.

    1. In response to Peter and Nick:

      I really only relate to (1)suffering from (2)impermanence’ part of Buddhism, and that (3)attachment’ to the impermanent causes suffering,( I think the historical Buddha should have stopped with three, and probably did and then his own inner circle made up (4) “path’. I can never attach to landing anywhere. I wish I could. I can’t even attach to ‘atheist’ anymore. I was a typical Buddhist who considered myself an atheist, and that is how these fanatic guru worshipers are fooling so many Buddhists now, who just can’t give up a reference point. Now it is ‘secular spirituality’ Buddhism. They want that mystical part and can’t let it go. The next Tantric Lamaist trap is the ‘secular Buddhist’ trap which is being pushed by these western Tibetan Lamaists. They spin out their net.

  3. As long as men have been in power, women have been vulnerable to abuse. Economic self reliance and the acknowledgment and development of one’s intrinsic worth spiritually that does not rely on the guru system of servitude, that is the change the world needs! So happy you survived this sham that seems prevalent whenever young sincere women are misled that they must find superior beings to guide them.

    1. It was NOT the men in power, that kept the sexually, financially and emotionally, AND politically abusive system going, Kathleen. As much as the female enablers who had slept with these Lamas and became their pimps, their recruiters, their ‘faux feminist voices” like Judith Simmer-Brown at Harvard’s Religious Department, old-time cult member of Trungpa, then Generation X, a Rabbinical type Shambhalian, Adam joined her. Then the ‘aetheist Rabbi (doublespeak), the Witches and the Satanists followed. They always do follow the Tantra, since that is the root of the occult. This is the head of the spear, Lamaism, that will turn all women’s rights back, just as the Islamist cult women, who hold the young girls down for their ‘genital mutilation”. Women enablers are the real problem. They recruit and they repress the truth for their vicarious power in these explosive cults and the cult fans that keep to the narrow tropes to explain it. It is only ex-cult members who really know, But the Progressive CRAZY Left, that infiltrated most anti-cult sites, filled with the dumbest psychologists now on earth, after their ‘contemplative’ New Age soaking, agreed to censor the word ‘cult’ and say that ex-cult members shouldn’t be believed because they are too emotional; only the experts should define ‘what is a cult.’ Fool the women (most of them are in these soft-science duped professions). then the men will follow.

      1. Again, without the female enablers in the system of abuse, whether at CNN, or in the Tibetan Lamaist cults, it will continue. Multi-million dollar contracts kept the abuses of Hunter Biden’s laptop from getting to the public; Matt Lauer’s abuses; Harvey Weinstein; Epstein, etc… Payoffs to the whistle blowers, from the Tibetan Lama kleptocracy chests, got the few criminal cases dropped, as well.

        Fear of being doxed and smeared and, for these whistle-blowers, of retaliation in the next life still drummed into their heads.

        And, if Economic self reliance were the answer? Never have educated women been so economically self-reliant, and there is more pedophilia, more sexual abuse, more rapes, more craziness around what a man says in a sexist way, and very little interest by women,in what I am saying and exposing about the massive misogny, sexual abuse, pedophilia, that was enabled by this Tantra and that has woven its way into every cultural institution, along with the radical Left. Big Government is the superior being , or God now, that is going to save female liberals today, who don’t read with comprehension anymore, just react to headlines, programmed as they are by the established corrupt media ( I see mostly economically self-reliant millionaire women as hosts and commentators, drowning out any non-group think voice) who are actually in a Progressive-made,GAIA, superstitious, theosophist created, 100-year-old Political World/Religious cult of billionaire authoritarian nutcases, CEOs, and Academic flakes, and these women don’t know it; marching toward One World Goverment, the Great Peace; where economic self-reliance will be a thing of the past. Women will be lucky to drive.

        Never have women been so economically self reliant or better credentialed, or as lacking in common sense. Sorry, but I am ashamed that this bullshit Progressivism has dumbed-down too many bright young women, who still don’t know it is really BIG FASCIST Corporatism takeover, melded with the pleasing of the Left, they are supporting, that will nail all rights of women down; while blathering about “its for the women and children”; it’s a repeated ad naseum disguise. Women don’t need more economic freedom as much as reclaiming their common sense and reasoning abilites, stripped of enflamed hysteria.

        Hysterical Elizabeth Warrens, and screaming female politicians, were not what the first wave of feminists had in mind, AT ALL.

  4. Wow, how is all the finger pointing work out for you? We all have situations we do not like. I do believe that if I walk in love and respond in love. I can be the change I want to see. Humans need to work together to repair society, not cause more strife. Shockingly this expose of a horrific situation is depressing. Katsura Kahn is no better and no worse than any other human. We all have tendency’s to be predators. None of us are perfect. I have met men and women whom are pure love. I have also met both genders whom radiate fear , control, and terror. This article motivates me to insight change.

    1. In reply to what you wrote:

      “Katsura Kahn is no better and no worse than any other human. We all have tendency’s to be predators. None of us are perfect. I have met men and women whom are pure love. I have also met both genders whom radiate fear , control, and terror. This article motivates me to insight change.”

      Yes, no good no bad, embedded in your tropes. “No one is perfect”, except the people you have met, ‘pure love.” Double think, double speak. You are espousing rhetorical expressions that have been implanted in your brain so you never see let alone say anything bad about them, and you “can be a ‘change’ [agent] I want to see”, as you say, and as Naropa has always recruited people with this meme. “Be the change agent to change the world” right? and this article motivates you to ‘insight change’. Clever use of ‘insight’ for incite. Look at the chaos incited over the last fifty years of being fooled by these occult Lamas, pretending peace and love. Enabled pedophilia, sexual abuse, harems and the complete shut-down of social workers and psychologists minds who are now so infiltrated with this Tantric chaos through this MINDFULNESS brand, or ‘stupid shamatha’ as the Lamas more honestly called it; too afraid to call this cult a cult, or report sexual abuse, or sex-grooming, or pedophilia. Ten years ago they would have been fined, or in collusion for not reporting this as child abuse. The exception is for the few reason-oriented people in France, who are going after the head of the Naropa Institute lineage of Karme Kagyus and put there by CCP China, the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley, for alleged rape. Multiple rapes. Lamas who have come here to purposely caused chaos around the world with their “Wheel of Destruction” the real meaning of Kalachackra. Do some real historical research and not the fake news of the last 50 years. I suspect you are a Naropa inductee. If so, I can’t reach you. If so, you should all be forming your class action suit for Fraud and mind-control by a sexually abusive, NAMBLA and other sexual predators, Naropa lineage. Katsura Khan was treated as the same:
      a guru who was beyond good or bad; enabled by this Propaganda school of the CCP Karma Kagyu Lamas who have spit out more gurus, to help destroy the minds of the middle-class who become the State arm of the apparatchiks. Katsura Kahn is MUCH MUCH WORSE than millions of ordinary human beings on this earth. And should be in jail, IMO, for at least 2nd degree murder. But that’s not they way it is in Tibetan Lamaism pretending to be a ‘higher Buddhism.’As the Rasputin Crossdresser Lama Dzongsar of San Francisco says: “The Vajrayana is Above Western Law”. Meaning it is the Ultimate Authoritarian Clutch of GodRealm Grifters; grooomed by the thousand-year-old Lama machine since little boys. But, as bad, are the female enablers of this cult, witting and unwitting (yourself it sounds like). I get it. I might have written an angry upset comment 15 years ago, I am sorry to say. The whole world has been fooled by these masters of the masked dance. I hope you can escape from their wide net.

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