The Cult of Lamaism Tries to Take Over Maine, Making Maine Vermont

There are now more than twenty-five Tantric and Mixed Tantric-infused Zen and Theravada Centers in Maine.  Four years ago there were twelve.  One should check out one’s own State by googling ‘Vajrayana Buddhism,’ or just ‘Buddhist Centers’ in your State since the Lamas have pretty much incorporated the celebrity Zennies and Thich Na Hahn types by now, thanks to the lucrative ‘mindfulness movement’ that Trungpa started to undermine democracy by stealth.   “Deception”: the first rule in the Art of War by Sun Tzu.

Tashi Armstrong, a devotee of the dead Trungpa and his dead and equally sexually abusive Regent,  above,  sums up the belief system of Tibetan Tantric Lamaism he is bringing to  Maine to further confuse all those young students at Bates, Bowdoin and Colby College, and soon Northeastern Un.

His post  on his Facebook page, and on his website, is a good example of  Tantra’s diktat on how to view his guru’s amoral behaviors, and his sexual abuse of young men in this group who struck his fancy, while infected with AIDS. It makes it clear why this atavistic cult of guru worship posing as Buddhism is dangerous to our values in a free and open democracy. As to his guru seducing hundreds of young men while knowingly infected with AIDS and believing Ancient Tantric practices would protect him and them:

“We should be extremely careful about rushing to conventional moral judgments. How many of us would recognize Tilopa if we met him today? We are very obscured. This says nothing about the special vows that tantrikas take in this instance. To view this in a conventional way is obscene and unforgivable.” Tashi Armstrong “Dzogchen Center” Bath Maine. 

In case people do not know,  Armstrong is a student of the infamous Chogyam Trungpa who also slept with hundreds of women in his ‘religious group’ to prove their guru-devotion to him.  And, a die-hard devotee of his Regent, Osel Tendzin, a.ka., Thomas Rich, who slept with hundreds of heterosexual men, while knowingly having AIDS. Chogyam the WarLord from Kham, illegally kept a harem of his favorites, one as young as 14 yrs old.  His son, Osel Mukpo is carrying on the sexually abusive tradition of Lamaism

Living Buddha on Throne: Sakyong Mipham’s father-in-law

and heads up two hundred plus Shambhala centers,  although pretending to resign after his sexual abuse was all over the mainstream news.

These Lamas don’t quit. They don’t make mistakes according to themselves and their delusional cult members. Armstrong has not only brought Trungpa, his son and his Regent teachings to , Bath, Maine from Ojai California, but he is unapologetic in his view of non-duality Tantra that says his Regent ( and all these Kagyu Lamas)  did nothing wrong.

There is no right and wrong, or good and bad,  for these western Tantric Lamaism cult members, except those people who think having sex with young men while knowing one is infected with a deadly disease is wrong, or grooming young girls and engaging in pedophilia is wrong  and criminal.  Those people, are the deplorables, and  are Rudra-hell wrong;  called “heretics” inside these amoral groups, while they pretend to the outside world they are the new  ‘secular spirituality.’

These ordinary normal, family loving, patriotic people- to these virtue signalling , hate-spewing now amoral, confused nutcases- are the  fallen, the unworthy, the “deplorable,” while these real religio-political tyrants keep pointing the finger at everyone else as the “religious fundamentalists” and the “close-minded.” These are the people who check off  ‘no religion’ on forms to hide how many are members of eastern cults.

Or, their cynical inner circle are now calling their practices just  “Buddhism.”  dropping the ‘Tibetan’ designation to further hide they are Tantra and bury their secrets by ‘blending’ with other Buddhist groups. The other Buddhist groups, like Zen and Theravada, are happily going along because they have been able to cash-in on The Dalai Lama’s and the  Karma Kagyu Tibetan Lamaist’s mindfulness meditation’s billion-dollar commodity with their own tax-free ‘mindfulness foundations,’  books, apps, and mindfulness seminars of their own.

Mr. Armstrong cites ancient fairy tales to prove his point; the only history western Tibetan Buddhists, some with PhDs, come to believe in order to justify their non-duality views. His circular reasoning and citation of  Lamas and medieval Lamaist texts is his ‘proof’ that the Regent did nothing wrong. This is a circular prison of the mind that cannot be penetrated when people are still inside the cult. They have no reasoning abilities anymore, except to use words that sound articulate while citing medieval, feudal Lamas and their occult texts as justification for all they do in their ‘no-good-no bad’, ‘no right, no wrong, Tantric world:

The essence of the Vajrayana is samaya. All of you here have as your main lama Trungpa Rinpoche. And after him your lama is the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin. Now in the Vajrayana our main samaya is to our root lama and after this with our vajra brothers and sisters.

This is a totally closed system.

Mr. Armstrong firmly believes that those, who leaked what the Regent was doing, i.e., continuing to have unprotected sex with hundreds of men while knowing he was infected with AIDS, should all come to his center and apologize and group confess now and engage in purification practices at his new Tantric  Dzogchen digs.   This website makes clear that these cult-devotees of Tibetan Lamas believe that none of their guru lamas (and their western inner circles by default) ever do anything wrong. Right and wrong do not exist for them.

This Dzogchen retreat is located, as the crow flies,  nearby one of their many recruiting Shambhala International centers,  in Brunswick  Maine.

Convenient for the many young college students from Bowdoin, Bates, and Colby who will be seduced into their Tantric net.

Lucky for Mr. Armstrong,  most college students at our prestigious universities don’t study history anymore and are taught by radical professors who censor criticism of their own Utopian views from the sixties;  who are promoting their social justice curriculum rather than inspiring young people to reason and think and use discriminating judgements about what is healthy for themselves and their society.

These fanatic devotees of Shambhala, Trungpa, and his Regent fit right in with the overall plan and their hooking up with the Leftist agenda to ‘revolutionalize’ our United States.  Dont think that the radical Janet Mills wasn’t helped to be elected in Maine, by these occult crazy groups.   Now Bates College, unwittingly under a Dalai Lama spell, as all liberals and many conservatives are, is now helping to bring more young people under a mindfulness trance; unable to use their intelligence and critical judgments anymore. Relying on only irrational emotions.

Tantra teachings fit hand-in-glove with radical left-wing politics. Tantra has always been admired by both the extreme right, and extreme left. It creates chaos and confusion wherever it plants its flag. That is until its hammer comes resounding down.

ALL the Tibetan Lamas and the Dalai Lama support this spin-off Lineage of Shambhala’s  Regent. Why? Because it causes chaos within our societies to help the Lamas and their delusional  Lamaist Buddhocracy plans.  China is on board. But our clueless politicians notice nothing. But for a few, they are only concerned with pleasing K-Street,  the Chamber of Commerce, and Silicon Valley; all in bed with China who is using the Lamas as their line of stealth offense to quell all dissent both at home and abroad.

Thrangu Rinpoche, the colluding-with- Chinese-Communist-Party Kagyu Lama,  with his Tantric center in Maine and with over a hundred centers around the world, built this Regent a stupa, in Ojai, California.

He calls his own center in Maine,   a “Portland Buddhist center,”  to hide that it is Tantra.

Thrangu Rinpoche has also been actively colluding with the Chinese Communist Party and its United  Workers Front of the CPC.

See  Lama Thrangu’s picture displayed (scroll down)  prominently in the middle of the linked article below from the French magazine Market, about China’s soft power in the West, who are now using Tibetan Lamaism to quell its own populations in China after dumbing much of the liberal progressive West down. Don’t think his influence, like in Maine, didn’t help pacify Taiwan for #CCP China’s takeover of that country, now. They dumb first the wealthy elite, and then the middle class down in every country.  Despite many Tawainese Han Buddhist groups protesting the Dalai Lama as an occult fraud.

Thrangu Rinpoche and his Chinese Affiliations

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Chen Li-An and Ven Thrangu Rinpoche, a key ally in Chinese interests. Closely allied with Shambhala International and who trained the Chinese Communist Lama, Ogyen Trinley.

Unknown to the public,  western Tibetan ‘Buddhist devotees, thousands by now, are putting a Karma Kagyu Communist Karmapa over their heads as their Guru  ‘living Buddha” leader to obey and adore.

They then go out and infect other communities, like college campuses, with their ‘secular spirituality’ and their non-duality views.  Since they are under profound ‘undue influence’  by these Machiavellian lamas, most don’t know what all these Tibetan Lamas are really up to in our country, who are only using them for their free labor, their money,  and the geopolitical purposes of China,  by stealth.

Who needs just political propaganda from the radical left when you can make young people unwitting puppets of the Chinese Communist Party, through these  Lamas and their alliance with the colluding, no-longer Democratic party?  Now that  Nancy Pelosi goes to the Dalai Lama for advice,  while believing she is bringing more “peace to the world” and saving Tibet.

She is one of the many on the left who are the Dalai Lama’s, and now China’s, les idiots utiles du systeme, his western female duped; running the Democratic party into the ground.

They hang out with medieval lamas;   go to #me-too marches organized by Linda Sarsour, a member of another eastern cult, who supports harem-keeping and misogyny to take over the United States with their own jihad. Both of these medieval cults, Fundamentalist Islam, and Fundamentalist Tibetan Lamaism, are dangerously inimical to women’s’ rights;
They are both declaring they are representing the #me-too movement. How dumb can progressive left women be? I am ashamed I was ever one. Two ancient misogynistic cults pretending to promote the #me-too movement and third-wave faux-feminists are going along.  It is Tantra that makes them first crazy, and then no longer able to see the danger of the Islamists who are here to undermine our democracy.  Now they are in our Congress, along with the many liberal progressive women who do mindfulness and ‘don’t want to judge.’

These influences, i.e, eastern cults and the radical left, neither known-to respect women or democracies, are further dimming and dumbing women down. Keeping them tied to their emotions;  doormats of the Radical Left, instead of using their heads. Now in a Namaste mindfulness trance. Vicious Hollywood is doing its part, who long ago embraced the radical left, Tibetan Lamas, and now China.

Here is Nancy Pelosi,  pictured with the  Dalai Lama and the Chinese CPC Karmapa, for the Dalai Lama’s  83rd birthday, chatting away about a “Free Tibet” that was never free under these Tibetan Lama despots who kept their own people as slaves and permanent serfs, taxed to death, for over a thousand years; chopping off hands and feet and gouging out eyes as punishment in their Shangri-la. THAT history is repressed in the West. A Freedom of Information Act petition should be demanded now about who these Lamas are, and what they did to their own Tibetan people.

Mr. Armstrong infiltrated into Bowdoin  College, teaching Tantric Buddhist classes and mindfulness at its Wellness Centre. Armstrong is both the victim of this sexually abusive cult of  Shambhala and its male version of abuse enablers of the organizational, sexual exploitation of young females and males in these sanghas.  Pairing sexual abuse with coercive persuasion is a common characteristic of religious cults.

Sexual exploitation that starts and is pervasive in these Tibetan Buddhist monasteries with young monks.

Maine is on its way to becoming a socialist/communitarian state like Vermont,  where Chogyam Trungpa started his Tantric movement and that now has many Lamaist centers in their State and a radical Senator.

 Maine is catching up.*

© Christine A. Chandler, M.A., C.A.G.S.

*do not be fooled by these Tantric Lamas and their ‘non-sectarian’ labels. This is to distance and disguise themselves from being Tibetan Tantric cults; many now merged with Zen and Theravada Buddhists groups. In just the last few years, Tibetan Lamaism centers, groups, and their affiliates have exploded in Maine. There is now even a Sogyal Rigpa group in Maine, of the notorious Sogyal Rinpoche, the egregious, sadistic abusing Lama. (Hollywood and Richard Gere’s favorite)  himself hiding out in Thailand to avoid extradition to France.

One thought on “The Cult of Lamaism Tries to Take Over Maine, Making Maine Vermont”

  1. I think that not just Tibetan Buddhism, but Buddhism itself is fundamentally flawed. GASP go the brainwashed western “academics” ready to scream fundamentalist Christian white supremist Trump supporter capitalist whatever, just because I question Buddhism. A religion that shames being human and the act of SIMPLY HAVING THOUGHTS well, it comes across as a very boring, anti-human religion to me. Instead of revisiting your painful memories, nah just “meditate” your thoughts away. Want to go to the theme park and the restaurant and spend time with your friends and family and do charity work? Nah, that’s all you nassssssssssssty ego that you gotta get rid of cuz’ being human is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    I predict a waking up from the nasty mind-numbing drug that is Eastern religion to sweep throughout the West as the house of cards falls down and people realize that emperor Buddha has no clothes. I can imagine people are about ready to put me in a mental institution because I criticize a guy who demonized the act of having thoughts and caused a lot of trouble, and that is infiltrating the West and other parts of the world. Go ahead and throw me in a mental institution or a prison or call me whatever you want because I criticize your precious guy who left his own family and rambled about how “thoughts are bad.” If I criticize Christianity I’m an academic, if I criticize Buddhism I’m a crazed nationalist. That’s evidence of how much Buddhism has infiltrated our culture. Both religions should be rightfully criticized, but it’s now clear that Buddhism, a religion that demonized thinking for yourself, is now a part of the West, and unfortunately so!

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